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Shayne: (walking towards something) are you... Okay?

Pilot: yes, I am, please, can you get me water.

Shayne: (nodding, then running out the door) guys, guys- the pilot!

Emily: (jumping up) what about him?

Shayne: he's... Alive!

Jones: (standing up) no way.

Shayne: he is, (whiling getting a water bottle) mind if I use this?
Steven: ah, yeah. (Seeing Shayne running back with a water bottle)

Emily: I told you, you bastard! (Running up to Jones)

Jones: calm down women, there no need to-

Emily: you fucking turd (getting in his face) you wanted to leave him for the dead!

Joey: Emily calm down, you were right no need to kill Jones.

Emily: no, this mother fucker wants shit his way-

Nancy: (slapping Emily) what the hell are you doing!

Steven: (hugging Annabelle) damnit, would you calm down!

Joey: (helping Emily) are you okay?

Emily: (smiling) yeah...

Back with Shayne and the pilot.

Shayne: (helping up the pilot) what is your name?

Pilot: Stanley, your's?

Shayne: Shayne, how is your arms?

Stanley: feels like someone use staples!

Shayne: funny, more like did use staples!

Stanley: eh?

Shayne: yeah, someone did use it!

Stanley: thank God for whoever did. (Laughing)

Shayne: c'mon, I have my group who really want to meet you!

Shayne helps Stanley on his feet and walk out the door.

Joey: okay we need to calm down, enough bullshit!

Steven: yeah, there kids here!

Annabelle: dad, (coughing) someone's coming!

Shayne: (open the doors) guys, this is Stanley.

Stanley: (let go of Shayne and tries to walk on his own) hello.

Emily: (hugging him) thank goodness you're alive.

Stanley: thanks, umm, who are you again?

Emily: oh, I'm Emily.

Joey: yeah, I'm Joey, this here is Jones, Nancy, Steven, and his daughter Annabelle.

Stanley: nice to meet you all, and thank you.

Jones: yeah, (rubbing the back of his head) look man, I was unsure that you were alive, I didn't wanted no mishap ya'know.

Stanley: I understand, Jones, I would have done the same thing.

Shayne: really?

Stanley: no, but that's beside the point. In other words I knew he meant well.

Steven: well, now that he awake what do you want to do?

Emily: we could wait here until he fully heal.

Stanley: nah, I can still move, it just my arm that need to be heal!

Emily: yes, I'm still surprise you are able to walk.

Stanley: by the way, where are we?

Jones: Ohio, why?

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