Ohio Last City

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Joey: he really did!?

Emily: yes he did!

Shayne: she told me in that home department store, she said the pilot said thank you...

Emily: he did!

Jones: no he didn't, I was there!

Emily: you were fucking pass out you turd!

Jones: no I wasn't!

Emily: then you the fuck bandaged your foot!

Jones: I did!

Emily: no you didn't you asshole, why do you want to leave him so bad!

Jones: because, it will be another mouth to feed! We don't-

Emily: oh, I see how it is!

Jones: (leaning foward) what?

Emily: you don't want to waste your food supplies, but yet you ate half of it!

Jones: eh, what the hell are you talking about?

Emily: Shayne was right, you only do take care of your wife-

Jones: okay, will everyone shut the fuck up! I am always the bad guy, no matter what, I am always wrong and y'all are angle!

Emily: (holding her arm) but it's-

Jones: shut the fuck up, you stupid little brat!

Joey: hey now, look if ever going to get out-

Jones: no you shut up and listen! Every one of you judge me, sayin' I'm bad, sayin' it my fault!

Everyone step back feeling guilty for what Jones had said.

Joey: look man, we're sorry, we all are, but right now, it not the time to fight. (standing back up) we need to work together, no more pointing finger, no more aruging!

Shayne: yeah.... But to be honest, I don't wanna walk to Ohio...

Jones: me neither!

Joey: well, can you make that car run?

Shayne: yeah find gas!

Joey: where the hell are we?

Emily: there a bus stop over there! Maybe I can find a map!

Joey: okay, me and Shayne are gonna check the supplies.

Shayne: (unpacking the backpack) yo, were running low on food!

Joey: no way, (checking it out) fuck!

Emily: (waving a piece of paper) hey guys, I found one!

Jones: good, bring that over here!

Joey: hey, where's Nancy?

Jones: I don't know...

Nancy: I'm right here why?

Jones: you're quiet?

Nancy: it's nothing, just being tried...

Joey: (looking over the map) okay, the red dot is us, and there a gas station on the way, Ohio is only couple more miles away.

Shayne: cool, now, how do we get the gas, we left the gas container on the bus...

Joey: good point.

Jones: this car has a small one!

Shayne: nice, maybe I can go get some gas and we can fill her up on the way!

Joey: okay man, be careful!

Shayne: (waving) don't worry!

Joey: (looking back at the map) Emily- (looking at her)

Emily: (watching the pilot) we're not going to leave him!

Joey: I know.

Jones: (trying to stand up) owww! This shit isn't getting any better... It feel like crap!

Emily: lemme have a look, we don't want it to get infected.

Jones: what!

Emily: don't worry, it won't happen.

She check his foot, by the looks of it, it's healing nicely. Later that day, Shayne came back with some gas and some snacks.

Shayne: ya'think this is enough for our trip?

Jones: should be.

Joey: cool, alright everyone get in the car, we're leaving! Nancy, your my navigator!

Nancy: I don't think I can't...

Emily: I'll do it!

Joey: okay then, all aboard!

One week later...

Joey: (looking over a hill) how ya doin' Jones?

Jones: well, at least I can walk on my own!

Joey: yeah, damn Shayne, why didn't he say there was no gas station!

Jones: then where did he get the gas?

Joey: he said he stole it from other cars! We had to ride in one piece of shit, bucket of bolts!

Jones: at least the cassette player work!

Joey: (laughing) umm, let's see if Shayne, Emily, and Nancy found it? (pulling out a walkie-talkie)

Jones: ah yes, those walkie-talkie, I still can't believe I stole them from a zombie!

Joey: hello, hello do you read?

Shayne: yeah, I read!

Joey: hey, Shayne, did ya found it yet?

Shayne: nope, no city insight.

Joey: how 'bout the pilot, did he wake up yet?

Shayne: nope, not yet, but his breathing is a bit faster now, Emily said that maybe he'll wake up later today...

Jones: how's Nancy doing?

Shayne: (mumbling) she said she's alright.

Jones: let me talk to her.

Nancy: hello.

Jones: hey hon, how are you?

Nancy: still feel like shit, you?

Jones: walking like a damn penguin!

Nancy: (laughing) should we turn in to night?

Jones: yeah, tell Shayne to start a fire, we'll see it and meet back together!

Nancy: okay (click off)

Jones: (handing the talkie to Joey) so now what?

Joey: we wait.

Jones: damnit! I'm tired of waiting...

Joey: me too, but we gotta reunit with the group!

Jones: I know, but- (something catching his eyes) you see that?

Joey: (looking at the same direction) what?

Jones: over there (pointing)

Joey: ohhhh, I see it now- wait, it's a buliding!

Jones: you thinking what I'm thinking?

Joey: only one way to find out!

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