Oh No part 2

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Joey walking along the road with a army pilot and teenage girl, still being bother that Nancy is probably gonna kill him, for being another person instead of medicine, Joey looked up at Gabby.

Joey: so... what happen, if you don't mind me askin'!

Gabby: (startle by the question) well... it all started when my dad left our campsite to gather more wood for the fire. (Holding her arm) My mom had my lil' sister with her, I heard my dad yelling, I ran to see what was the problem- but- but-

Joey: it's okay, what happen next?

Gabby: (crying) they came and attack us! They got my mom and my lil' sister! (Falling to the floor) I ran, ran for my life, then I saw a RV, but that where I got attack by some fat ass, he cut my arm. I escape, but my knife was broken, so I broke in the tool shop to get me another one, when all of these zombies came by!

Stanley: and we save you from them.

Gabby: (nodding, but still crying) why, why does this have to happen!

Joey: look, Gabby, I know this hard on you, but-

Stanley: we're here!

Gabby: but what?

Joey: (looking down to the floor, trying to figure out what to say. Finally looking up) that they are alway with you, they are in better place.

As Joey, Stanley, and Gabby walk to the semi, Jones, who was losing his mind, was pacing back and forth.

Jones: damnit, (kicking a can) what am I going to do!

Shayne: you could calm down, I mean-

Jones: (grabbing his colar) calm down! My wife is sick, Emily and Steven been flirting with one another! Steven been treatin' the semi as his wife!

Shayne: damn, sorry I asked...

Joey, Stanley, and Gabby walked into area by the semi, Joey stopped and look back at Gabby.

Joey: okay, now these people are not mean, and of a lady by the name of Nancy talk to you, let me do the talking! Okay!

Gabby: (nodding)

Joey: good.

Stanley: (walking up) we're home!

Emily: Jones. they're here!

Jones: (running up to them) damnit, what took you so- who the hell is this!

Joey: ah hi Jones, this is Gabby. We saved her in town from zombies!

Jones: zombies!

Stanley: yeah, why is that so surprising?

Jones: Steven kept saying this is the safest state around!

Joey: well it's not, this place is started to have zombie just like the rest of the world!

Jones: hmmm, so where did you found her?

Joey: by a tool shop.

Jones: tool shop?

Stanley: yep!

Jones: what's your story?

Gabby: (started to cry again) my-my family was attack!

Emily: aww, you poor girl

Jones: (startle) damn, I'm sorry to hear that. (Looking back at Joey) did you find something for Nancy?

Joey: nope, the city is dead!

Jones: damnit! (Kicking rock all over the place)

Stanley: is everything okay?

Jones: no! We need supplies for her!

Stanley: that why you never only pack food!

Jones: (getting piss) argggh! Fucking apocalypse! Why does have to be an apocalypse!

Joey: Jones! Shut up! (Walking towards Emily) Emily, can you take care of her arm?

Emily: sure, what's wrong with her arm?

Joey: was cut deeply.

Emily: oh okay.

Joey: (walking backwards) I go check up on Shayne, Jones, you can check up on Nancy, tell her the bad news.

Jones: okay...

Joey: (walking towards the semi and seeing Shayne spying on Steven) hey, man what's up-

Shayne: shhhhh! Get over here!

Joey: (walking towards Shayne) what's the matter?

Shayne: it's Steven!

Joey: (watching Steven rubbing the semi's hood)

Steven: there, there, everything will be alright, I'll take care of you.

Joey: (whispering) what the hell!

Shayne: (whispering) I knew guys take care of the car, but he's treatin' it as a family memeber!

Joey: (whispering) where's Annabelle?

Shayne: (whispering) behind him, (pointing) there playing with a stick!

Joey: (getting up) Steven!

Steven: shit! Don't sneak up at me, Joey!

Joey: what's the hell wrong with you!?

Steven: whattya mean?

Joey: you're treating the semi as your child!?

Steven: what's your point?

Joey: what?

Steven: I like semi, so what?

Joey: yeah, I like semi too, but I don't treat it like my wife!?

Steven: (face turning red as a tomatoe) well, you know what! (Trying to say something but realize his daughter is there) damnit! (Grabbing his daugther and walking back towards the rest of the group)

Shayne: damn, (walking towards Joey) I think your on his shit list now.

Joey: yeah I know, but I did learn something about the guy.

Shayne: what?

Joey: he used to have a wife.

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