Hello Call

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The group search the J-Mart, for sleeping beds and to their surprised there were. Also food and bottle water.

Joey: wow this place have everything!

Charlie: yeah, food, clothes, and water.

Shayne: I'm surprised no one else is here.

Joey: well, it getting dark might as well turn in.

Charlie: yeah...

The group fell asleep that day, but when Joey woke up, he got an ugly surprise.

Joey: *yawn* oh shit!

Man: (drawing out his rifle) who the fuck are you!?

Joey: don't shoot please!!

Shayne: (waking up) the hell man!

Man: I said who the hell are you!?

Shayne: (getting up) looked man we don't wanna cause any trouble!?

Man: then answer my damn questions, who the fuck are you!?

Joey: look man, we're being chase by the zombie and-

Man: where?

Joey: by the alley way...

Man: WHERE!?

Joey: by the gun shop!?

Man: hmph, you're no worst for wear, that other dude is with you?

Shayne: yeah...

Man: what you guys took...?

Joey: sleeping bags and some food.

Man: (laughing) glad you guys ain't thieves!

Shayne: what?

Man: well first all of, if you were thieves then you wouldn't told me what you have taken.

Joey: but how did you know what we took?

Man: well there the sleeping bags, and there wrappers everywhere.

Shayne: oops

Joey: well, my name is Joey, the man sleeping is Charlie.

Man: and you are?

Shayne: Shayne.

Man: well my name is Jones. Sorry scaring the hell out of you.

Joey: (laughing) no problem man, so this is your store?

Jones: yeah, well me and my wife.

Charlie: (woke up) morning everyone. Who is this?

Joey: Charlie meet Jones.

Jones: hello.

Charlie: morning.

Joey: so you were saying.

Jones: well my wife and her friend from work are sleeping in the breakroom. I saw the two front doors, thought monster enter the buliding. Instead I found you!

Joey: (laughing) yeah, we came from the gun shop. Only found one gun.

Jones: wait, the one that all boarded up?

Joey: that where we ran from the zombie.

Jones: where there anybody there?

Joey: yea the zombie got him.

Jone: oh god!

Charlie: did you know anyone there?

Jones: yea I knew the owner. He was... we were close.

Joey: I sorry to hear that.

Women: honey, who are these people?

Jones: oh hi, Nancy. These are just people who thought they can sleep in the store.

Nancy: (walking up) are they dangerous?

Joey: nah, we're harmless. Well that and your husband almost shooting our heads off.

Jones: (laughing) well at least you have a sense of humor. Nancy this is Joey, the man sitting down is Charlie, and that dude in the red plaid shirt is.... what was your name again.

Shayne: Shayne.

Jones: well that mean you didn't stole your shirt.

Shayne: huh, (looking at his name tag) oh.

Jones: well it kinda good, we need extra help protecting this place.

Charlie: well we only have gun and it out of bullets.

Jones: don't worry, we got more, plus I give y'all rifle.

Joey: thank you!

Jones: well this is great, we need help boarding up the rest of this place.

Nancy: especially the front doors.

Charlie: how will you get in then?

Jones: through the back door.

Shayne: well better get to work then.

Jones: yep, you three can start with Emily. Nancy, you start the patrolling the east side. I'll patrol the west side.

Joey: okay.

Shayne: what do we use to barricade door with?

Jones: pried those wooden plank off from those wooden platform, then nailed to the doors.

Shayne: okay.

Joey: wait whose Emily?

Jones: you meet her later, let's go.

The group found some new faces and are going to help protect Jones's store. Nancy, on the other hand, don't like new people.

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