That J-Mart

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As the group head towards Ohio. The group make an unusual stop or something even more worst, the car ran out of gas again!

Joey: damn it! This car waste more gas then you put in it!

Shayne: hah, you're lucky this isn't a Oldsmobile, this car will be up in flames!

Charlie: (looking surprised)

Joey: well I don't see another gas station.

Shayne: shit! Guess we're walkin'.

Charlie: I don't see those things, how bout you guys?

Joey: looks clear to me, Shayne?

Shayne: hope we can find food!

So with that, they exit the car and walk into the city.

Joey: where did the people go?

Shayne: it quiet, too quiet!

Charlie: hey look-

Shayne: HELLLO!?

Joey: Shayne, what the fuck are you doing.

Shayne: I don't know, maybe someone heard it.


Shayne: guess not.

Joey: hey look, a gun shop.

Shayne: son of bitch!

Charlie: wow, do think anyone in there?

Joey: I hope so. The last I need is to be call thieves.

Shayne: well when you're in the mechanic business, then you always call a theif.

Joey: really?

Shayne: yeah, people always tried to sue me because their car is not working, even though they brought to three other mechanic before me.

Joey: I work in a business for awhile.

Charlie: I use to work in a restaurant.

Shayne: hope they can fix this.

Joey: yeah, it wold be nice to go back to our normal job.

Charlie: and to have my wife and kid back...

They reach the gun shop but it was all boarded up.

Joey: damn it seal tight.

Charlie: wait-

Joey: what-

Shayne: (pointing to the alley)

Joey: (whispering) what the hell is that?

Shayne: (whispering) it sound like...

All of them: zombies!

The things were eating of what left of a man, the smell horrified them.

Joey: it stinks!

Charlie: (coughing) oh god...

Shayne: ah guys, look!

Things: grahhh!!

Joey: ah, Charlie?

Charlie: yeah?

Joey: still have that axe.

Charlie: yep.

Joey: (ranning back to the gun shop) get this damn door down!!

Charlie: on it! (chopping wood)

Shayne: they're coming!?

Joey: fuck!

Charlie: I'm through!!

Shayne: get in!

They all ran in the shop and closed the door behind them, lucky for them they don't know how to use the doorknob, well not yet anyways.

Joey: that was close!

Shayne: too close!

Charlie: damn it!?

Joey: well since we're in here, might as well find a gun.

Shayne: yeah, that the first thing we need.

The group looked for one hour, all the found was a pistol and some bullet to go with it.

Joey: nothin' much left.

Charlie: one pistol for three grown men.

Joey: well I have the hammer... and Charlie have a Shayne you want the gun?

Shayne: (shrugging) sure.

Joey: it doesn't sound that bad out there.

Charlie: let's go.

Shayne: ah fuck!

As they exit the gun shop, the herd of things were still in the alley.

Joey: here they come!?

Shayne: crap!?

The herd surrounded them.

Joey: start shooting!?

Shayne: (firing the gun) they're not dying!?

Charlie: aim for the head!?

Joey: (wracking them in the head with the hammer) c'mom dude!? They getting bigger!?

Shayne: (starting to kill them) gotcha bitch!?

Charlie: (chopping the heads off) good man!?

Shayne: oh no!

Joey: what!

Shayne: I am outta bullets!

Charlie: shit, run!

As the three ran from the herd of things. The group saw an a buliding that said "J-Mart."

Joey: (huffing) think they will following us in there?

Charlie: only one way to find out!

The three ran in the buliding closing the huge doors behind them.

Joey: oh god! I would never go out there again.

Shayne: yeah (looking back) I don't think they can come in here.

Charlie: guys look!

Joey: wha- whoa!

Shayne: it like it's in perfect shape... like no one touch it!

Joey: well I know where we are staying tonight.

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