Nightmare In Bloomfield

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Joey lost in the city, and Charlie somehow made it home with out him!

Charlie: I lost him... the helicopter... it attack us!?

Jones: what, no man, helicopter would rather help you, then to kill- Charlie, where ya going?

Charlie: Joey is still in the city! We need to find him.

Shayne: I'm coming with you!

Jones: same-

Samuel: yeah me too!

Jones: no, you have to stay here!

Samuel: but-

Jones: (hands him a gun) here man, just shut up and watch out.

Samuel: you actually trust me?

Jones: I have no choice...

Samuel: (salute Jones) I won't let you down!

Jones: good. Let's go!

Back at the city, Joey is trying to avoid the zombie.

Joey: fuck, fuck, fuck! I need to get out of here!

Zombie: graahhhh!

Joey: (shooting it down) died, you bitch!

Zombies: argghhh!

Joey: shit, there more!?

Zombie: (grabbing and ripping his shirt)

Joey: (chopping it's hand off of him) crap, I like this t-shirt.

Zombie: arhhh!

Joey: (headshot) gotcha! (Check barrel) damn it, three more!

Zombie surrounded him, he wasted two more bullets. He kept the last one for himself...

Joey: crap! ( jump on a table)

Zombie: (followed him)

He fell down, and he flipped the table as he fell, that made the zombie fall down from behind, Joey got up and ran out!

Joey: damn, that was to close!?

Zombies: grahh!

Joey: Jesus!

Zombie: (walking towards him)

Joey: (smash it with his hammer) stop doing that to me!? I have enough pain already!

Zombie: (came from the behind and pulling on Joey's hair)

Joey: (pull away and saw the zombie fall) I see you, asshole!

He ran away, but got into a dead end and the zombies were still hot on his trail!

Joey: (trying for the last time) HELP!?

The zombies close in on Joey, one leap towards him, and ready to tare his head off! Joey brace for impact, but the zombie fell!

Joey: what the- (looking up) guys, you found me!

Shayne: hey Joey, looks like you need some help.

He hug them all, and they were returning home.

Joey: so, what took you so long?

Charlie: it a big city!

Shayne: yeah, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Jones: (laughing) I am just glad we found you.

Joey: same.

Jones: well, let's go home, I don't really think I made a good choice leaving Samuel with a gun. If he hurt or even killed my wife or Emily, he better started praying!

Charlie: well, I don't plan to have vacation here, let's go!

Back at the J-mart.

Samuel: why did he left me here, there nothing to do! Only a few birds, some car, zombies banging on the door, and clouds- ZOMBIE!!

Samuel rush back down stairs to tell Emily and Nancy the news!

Samuel: guys, we're being attack!

Emily: by what?

Samuel: zombies!? Come up here, in case they break in!?

Nancy: is Jones back?

Samuel: no he's not.

Nancy: shit.

Samuel: they're still looking for Joey!

Emily: why?

Samuel: he didn't came back with, what his name, Charles, I think.

Emily: oh God!

Zombie knocking on the door.

Samuel: c'mon, we have to get on to the roof!

Back out in the city of Bloomfield.

Shayne: fuck, zombies are hot on our tail!

Jones: we're almost to the market.

Joey: Charlie, can I see your axe.

Charlie: (handing him his axe)

Joey bash an advaning zombie head.

Jones: there it is!

Joey: good the sooner we- what the fuck!

They saw the horror, the zombie were blocking the front doors.

Samuel: there they are!

Emily: great... now how to they get inside.

Nancy: grahhh!

Jones: we have to save them! (running towards the herd)

Joey: (grabbing Jones) wait. There have to be a better way to get in.

Shayne: and there is.

Jones: wah.

Shayne: (pointing) a van!

Jone: how the fuck is that supposed to help us?

Shayne: I used to own that kind of van, a Pontiac Montana.

Joey: what are you saying, can you hot wire it?

Shayne: that is exactly what I mean.

Charlie: then what?

Jones: we ram the car into the door get everyone out and move on!

Shayne: yep!

Charlie: well, let's get started!

Emily: what the hell are they doing?

Nancy: they're gonna leave us!

Samuel: ... I don't think so.

Shayne hot wired the van, and drove it right into the front doors!

Jones: (sticking his head out the window) c'mon, let's go!?

Nancy, Emily, and Samuel ran to van and together drove out of J-Mart looking for a new home.

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