Ambush! Part 1

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The group ate a wonderful meal, cook by Nancy. Jones, have more plans to reinforced the buliding.

Emily: Shayne, have any 6's?

Shayne: go fish.

Charlie: Joey, have any aces?

Joey: (throwing our two aces) yeah.

Charlie: I won!

Joey: what! This is your third time winning!

Emily: yeah, what your secret?

Charlie: oh, I don't know, maybe because Shayne is a bad shuffler!

Shayne: what!

Charlie: yeah, I kept getting the same three cards.

All of them: (laughing)

Jones: okay people, time to turn in!

Joey: alright we'll see you guys in the morning.

Jones: well.... actually, maybe you guys would like to sleep with us in the breakroom, instead on the floor?

Nancy: well, honey, the breakroom is kinda full-

Shayne: I'd like to sleep on something else than the floor, but other than that, thank you.

Charlie: yeah, we'll be fine here.

Joey: thank you for your offer.

Jones: you guys sure?

Joey: yeah, pretty much.

Jones: okay, see y'all in the morning.

Joey: night.

The group slept, Nancy, had trouble getting use to the new people.

Nancy: hon, do you think the military will find us?

Jones: I really hope so.

Nancy: those people are weird.

Jones: how?

Nancy: we barely know them.

Jones: yeah, and?

Nancy: and they might be connect to someone-

Charlie: Ahh!

Jones: Charlie!

Jones and Nancy ran towards Charlie.

Jones: (huffing) you alright man!

Charlie: yes, yes I am...

Nancy: what the hell was that about!

Charlie: I sorry, but... I had a dream of my....

Jones: your what?

Charlie: ... my wife and kid... my kid was bitten and... I tried to fix her, but she... bit my wife... so I... I... (started to cry)

Jones: damn man, I'm sorry you had to go through that... but are you gonna be alright?

Charlie: yeah

Nancy: are you sure, cause I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night, thinking there a zombie in the buliding...

Charlie: I'm sure, please go back to sleep.

Jones: okay man, see you in the morning.

They went back to the breakroom.

Nancy: see what I mean!?

Jones: damn women, don't you care that he used to have a family!?

Nancy: it not that I don't care, it that they might have more things to tell us about!?

Jones: well these people are not-

Emily: hey, can you guys quiet down? Some people are still trying to get some sleep!

Nancy: yeah, sorry.

Next morning Jones had another plan to protect his buliding. Everyone is eating something that they found in the back.

Jones: good morning everyone!

Joey: hey man, you slept in today.

Jones: really, what time is it?

Shayne: bout 12.

Jones: damn, I really need an alarm clock... well anyway I have a new plan to guard this buliding. I gonna have someone on the roof for about a week and then will switch it up from there, that way everyone will have an equal amount of time on the roof!

Charlie: okay, so who's going first?

Jones: Joey will go first.

Joey: okay.

Jones: here a rifle, anything that you can handle, shoot it! If it too big, don't, got it?

Joey: yep, pretty much.

Jones: okay, get on up there!

So this plan work about a week, they brought him food and he slept up there, a week passed by, and when Joey turn was almost over, something very bad and crazy happen!?

Jones: Joey! Can you come down here?

Joey: okay!? (Walking down the stairs)

Outside of the J-Mart, a red pick up appear, it have been stalking the shop, now because of the food and supplies inside that buliding...

Leader: are you sure there food?

Member: yes, there is!

Leader: okay then, Stanford, is that guy up there still?

Stanford: (looking through binoculars) nope, that man is gone!

Leader: good, okay, Samuel, if you're right bout the food, I'll let you have one of their guns.

Samuel: I am right, that how fought a herd of zombies, about a week ago.

Leader: okay then, people be prepared, because today we eat!

Group: (shouting) yarrhhh!

Leader: Samuel, do your stuff!

Samuel: yes, sir.

Back inside the J-Mart.

Shayne: so how was your first week up there?

Joey: pain in the ass.

Shayne: (laughing) well at least you gonna do this once.

Joey: yeah true.

Samuel pick the lock on the back door and enter it slowly. He hid behind a crate, but he made a lot of noise doing it.

Joey: so Jones is gonna have someone else up there today

Shayne: yeah... do you hear something.

Joey: yeah (looking back) hey, that fagget stole our guns!

Shayne: (running after him) come back here!

Joey: (trying to catch him) come back, you fucker!

Shayne: don't let him escape!

Samuel: fuck off! Stop chasing me!?

Joey: (leaping towards him) gotcha you little... oh fuck!

Joey missed completely and the theif ran out of there safely!

Jones: Joey, what the hell happen!

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