Back To The City

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Joey: (carring the pilot) I miss Charlie....

Emily: (walking up to him) what happen?

Joey: I don't know, he was alive when I got there, next few second he was being rip apart!

Shayne: c'mon man, now is not the time to think about it!

Jones: yeah, I'm mean, you tried to save him, but he wasn't going to make it-

Joey: the fuck you mean by that!?

Jones: I mean once his axe got stuck he stood there, he didn't even tried to move, when you came, he let himself fall to the grip of the zombies! In other words he gave up!

Joey: (eye widen) well, if that true, then-

Shayne: wait, hold that thought, do you see what I see!

Joey: (moving his head) nope!

Shayne: (pushing him back) there's a car!

Jones: whatever you do, don't let me drive.

Emily: (laughing) welp, guess we're leaving this shithole!

Shayne: (walking up to it) let's see what's inside-

Zombie: arggh

Shayne: (jumping back) Jesus!

Joey: shit, there's one inside! Kill it before more come!

Shayne: (whacking it with his crowbar) bastard!

Jones: (being place on the ground) thank hon.

Nancy: no problem, here the gun in case they come!

Shayne: (checking underneath the hood of the car) everything is good under here. Joey, can you start it up?

Joey: (placing the pilot down) okay man, (turning the key)

The car make a rumbling noise.

Shayne: damnit, no gas!

Joey: guess we're stuck here.

Jones: well, I don't see a zombie anywhere, could we rest here?

Joey: yeah, but we need to get some sleep!

Shayne: maybe we can take the seat out.

Jones: eh, what the heck, no matter what you do, you're still sleeping on the floor!

That night the group had a surprising good night sleep, in the morning. They woke up to a brand new start.

Shayne: (stretching) good mornin'!

Joey: morning, sleep well?

Shayne: yeah, (smiling) like a log on a rock!

Joey: ha, well, here's a can of whatever left.

Shayne: thanks.

Joey: no problem... (standing up) everyone, can I please have your attention, we need to discuss our next move!

Jones: I say we stay in Michigan!

Shayne: I say we get the hell outta here!

Jones: what, are you outta your mind! We'll never last out there!

Joey: stop fighting! I knew it would happen like this! That why we're gonna do this the old fashion way, voting!

Jones: what are you serious! We're gonna have to write down what we think?

Joey: no, we are going to do it like this! Who what to stay in Michigan?

Jones: I do!

Nancy: (raising her hand) me too.

Joey: okay, two would like to stay, how about not staying, leaving Michigan?

Shayne: I do!

Emily: me too!

Joey: well, that make three!

Jones: fine, hell to you! If you wanna us to die so fast like Charlie did, then go ahead, go fuck yourself over!

Joey: man shut up, we did save your wife!

Jones: save my wife, you couldn't save her when your life dependent on it-

Emily: stop, look over there!

Jones: what (looking at her direction) whoa, is that-

Shayne: a home department store!

Joey: wow, hey let go check it out!

Nancy: what, hell no!

Joey: what, why?

Nancy: there might be zombies in there!

Shayne: I don't give a shit! I'm gonna bash their heads in!

Joey: cool, Emily, you wanna go with him?

Emily: why me?

Joey: well, if anything happen, I know you won't be pickin' up that pilot.

Emily: fine, let's go Shayne.

Shayne: (smiling) hell yeah, I get to break the door!

Emily: Joey, be nice to Jones and Nancy, okay!

Joey: I'll tried.

Shayne and Emily headed into the home department store, this is where shit get interesting.

Shayne: ah yeah, as I suspect. (Smiling) we gotta break it!

Emily: do what you have to!

Shayne: are you okay?

Emily: yeah, I'm great!

Shayne: hmmm, doesn't look like it... Too be honest with ya', you didnt look so great when you first met us!

Emily: look can you just get the door open-

Shayne: (smashing the door with his crowbar) any question?

Emily: (scratching her head) okay...

Shayne: lady first.

Emily: (jumping over the glass)

Shayne: (following) let's find some axes or tools, oh, and maybe even some hammer!

Emily: Shayne, why are you always so perky?

Shayne: why be sad, and glum all the time! You still haven't answer my question?

Emily: (sigh) if I tell you, would you keep ita serect!

Shayne: sure.

Emily: it's Nancy and Jones!

Shayne: look if it's about Joey and Jones fight all the time, it because Jones jas his wife to protect-

Emily: who the hell told you that?

Shayne: Jones did!

Emily: well, that's wrong!

Shayne: eh?

Emily: look, I've known them longer than you or Joey, Jones isn't a mean old fart! It's his wife that is very controlling!

Shayne: what? To me, it looks like she is taking care of Jones!

Emily: exactly! She taking care of Jones, not me!

Shayne: ... Okay then, one more question, why do you like the pilot so much?

Emily: because, he spoke to me! He said thank you....

Shayne: no fucking way!

Emily: yeah he did, when you and Charlie were saving Nancy and Joey when the were on that tree!

Shayne: well we need to tell that to the rest of the group! There nothing in here but wood and pbc piping!

Emily: yeah, I guess your right.

Shayne: c'mon let's go!

They went back outside and told Joey the news about the pilot, and he decide to continue on foot to Ohio! The zombies still roam and spread all over the USA, but would Ohio be safe from those cannibals, read all about it next chapter of ZOMBIE :-)

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