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Joey: (jumping out of the car) damn, it got dark real fast.

Charlie: (yelling) hey, check this out!

Joey: (walking towards him) shit, that was a guy.

Charlie: yeah, and he don't look dead.

Joey: fuck, we must of crash into him.

Charlie: look, there's his car, let Shayne look at it.

Joey: good idea.

Shayne: (yelling) is it clear.

Joey: yeah, no zombie up and about.

Shayne: cool. (Turning towards the other memeber) it's clear, let go.

Jones: nice, (jumping out of the car)

Shayne: (walking towards Joey and Charlie) what is it?

Charlie: it definitely a guy, no doubt about it!

Shayne: damn, looking at the dude, is kinda sad.

Joey: yeah, but you know what?

Charlie: what?

Joey: I don't think he still need his hoodie.

Charlie: the fuck man!

Joey: what, is not like his corpse is gonna need it in the winter. Plus, my shirt is all rip apart.

Shayne: (laughing) c'mon, let's see what we got here.

Jones: while you do that, me and Samuel will move the body!

Samuel: what!

Jones: c'mon stop being so lazy. We have work to do! You grab his head, I grab the legs, okay?

Samuel: fine.... (lifting the head up)

Jones: (lifting the leg up) just bring over on the grass.

Samue: okay.

Joey: so, Shayne, how the car look?

Shayne: it's in good condition, but there's no gas.

Charlie: damn, maybe that why the guy wave at us, to get help!

Emily: guys look, food and boxes filled!

Charlie: nice, maybe we won't starve

Joey: yeah I-

Samuel: ahhh!

Joey: shit!

The four of them: ( running back to the guys)

Joey: what happened!?

Samsuel: I been bit!?

The guy had turn into a zombie, Jones is trying his best to stop the zombie.

Joey: (grabbing Samuel) I gotcha bub!

Shayne: c'mon, Charlie, let get that fucker off of him!

Charlie: right!

Charlie and Shayne: (helping Jones)

Jones: Emily, where's the gun!

Emily: here (tossing her gun to Jones)

Samuel: get it off, get it- *yelp*

Jones: (blasting the zombie head off) bitch!

Shayne: Samuel.....

Emily: (looking at it's inside) oh my God! I think I'm gonna be sick!

Jones: Damnit, he did not deserve to died!?

Joey: (staring at Samuel's open stomach) shit..... that did some damage!

Emily: Joey stop pointing that it-(vomiting) blaaaaaaaaah!

Shayne: hey, your getting it all over my pants!

Emily: my bad, the smell is just- (vomiting) blaaaaaaaaah!

Shayne: really!? On my shoe too!?

Emily: I'm so sorry, I (vomiting one last time) blaahhhh!?

Nancy: EMILY!

Emily: I'm done, don't worry, (wiping her face)

Jones: (still looking at Samuel) poor kid! He didn't have to died, why the hell did  he got bitten!?

Joey: I don't know, I swear!

Jones: (getting piss) oh sure, and he just happen to turn into a zombie!

Charlie: Jones, he's telling the truth, I saw it too, he just got bitten!

Jones: (crying) then how the fuck did this happen then?

Joey: I don't know-

Emily: stop, I finally got it!

Everyone: (looking at Emily)

Emily: if Joey and Charlie are correct, then that mean, it's just the bite that kills you, it's also death itself that will also turned you into those thing!

Joey: cool, but can you create a cure for this?

Emily: I don't it can be cure...

Shayne: what, why?

Emily: think about, the zombie are dead people walking around, right?

Shayne: right....

Emily: the only way to cure this is to bring them back to life, as a human not a zombie! You can't cure the death, so the only way to stop this, is that everyone.... lived....

Joey: God, help us...

Shayne: guys, I think we should get the hell outta here, get the stuff and go!

Jones: what stuff?

Joey: we found some boxes in the back of the truck!

Jones: okay, let's get and go.

So everyone help putting the boxes in the back of the van and drove off, leaving a zombie turning Samuel...

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