The Plan

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Jones tied up the weasel, Samuel, who help some group in taking Jones's group food away.

Jones: you comfortable?

Samuel: no...

Jones: good! Now sit there, while  we figure out what to do with you.

He walked back to his own group.

Jones: okay, we got this shit head here, and in reality, his people are not coming back!

Emily: what if they do?

Shayne: well, he care about his people getting fed....

Joey: true, so he might come back.

Jones: if he does return. That a different story.

Nancy: how!?

Jones: well, for starters, he might actually kill us- ah shit, who the hell am I kiddin' that fucker is gonna mope the floor with us, but no not today!?

Nancy: what?

Jones: if that as son of a bitch really care for this worthless trash, then God help me!

Joey: hmph, you do need help.

Jones: I sick and tired of his fucker, who think he can take whatever he wants and leave!?

Nancy: Jones-

Jones: no, I gonna show these fucker who really in charge!? Joey, you're coming with me! Nancy, you're in charge!

Joey: ah, where are we going anyways?

Jones: (grabbing ahold to Samuel) revenge!

Samuel: hey man, let go!

Jones: fuck off!

Samuel: do you have a mental issues-

Jones: what don't you get when I say shut up!?

Joey, Jones, and Samuel walked to the forest that Samuel group was hiding out on. Jones and Joey hid behind a bush.

Jones: (whispering) go, talk to them!

Samuel: (walking up to them) hello?

Leader: ah, Samuel, you finally made it. We were just about to have search party for you...

Back by the bushes.

Jones: (whispering) did he tell on us yet?

Joey: (whispering) nope.

Leader: ah, since you're right about the food, here is a brand new gun, just for you!

Samuel: t-thank know there something you should know!?

Joey: (whispering) shit, he gonna ruin the surpise!?

Jones: get ready!

Leader: what is it, Samuel, did those people hurt you!?

Samuel: yes- (got shot)

Jones: bitch!

Joey: calm down Jones!?

Leader: it's them, kill them!?

Joey hid behind a tree.

Joey: Jones (firing) let's go!

Jones: (standing and shooting) no!?

Joey: we're gonna die!?

Jones: fuck off Joe, these asshole had it coming!?

Stanford: behind the tree-(hit in the head)

Joey: what happen to just stealing our food back!?

Jones: oh that still part of the plan, after they died!?

Joey: think about your wife, you died, what would happen to her?

Jones: shut your fucking mouth and help me!?

Zombie: argghhhh

Guy: huh? Oh, fuck- ahhh, get it off, ahhhh *yelp*

Lady: Adam! (Whacking the zombie off of him)

Lady: Adam?

Adam-zombie: ahhhh! (Eating the lady)

Lady: (screaming)

Joey: (still firing) dude the  apocalypse are on us!?

Zombies surrounded the gun fight hoping to get a snack!

Joey: Jones!?

Jones: what!?

Joey: we have to go!?

Jones: (looking around) we have to get that food!?

Joey: bro the dead is here, (gun just clicking) plus my gun is empty!?

Jones: no (zombie got to close to Jones) oh shit!?

Joey: (whacking the Zombie in the head) look around, I thought we were just getting our food back, not kill off the whole group

Jones: (stop firing) oh no!?

Joey: we need to go, now!?

Jones looked back at the boxes, they're surrounded by zombies.

Joey: c'mon let's go!?

Jones: (looked around) aha! (grab Samuel)

Samuel: hey! Let me go!

Jones: Joey, let's go!

Joey and Jones ran dragging Samuel with them.

Jones: (panting and looking back) fuck, that was so chaotic... why the hell did I brought you along?

Joey: c'mon.... the store is only few more miles away!?

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