Hunter and Prey

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This zombies apocalypse, is created by biochemical warfare.... Samuel tells Emily all, expect for curing it.

Charlie: I still can't believe this!

Jones: yeah, I know, but that not the least of our problem.

Joey: what else we have to do?

Jones: fix those door, find some food, and more medical supplies! All we have are bandaids.

Charlie: food isn't a problem.

Jones: what? You need food to surive.

Charlie: there's a forest more south from here, maybe we can go hunting. It also a lake.

Jones: hmph, okay you and Joey will go there to tomorrow, bring back some good deer meat.

Joey: who gonna work on the doors?

Jones: me, Shayne, and that fruitcake. I'll have Nancy on patrol.

Joey: sounds good.

Jones: to be honest, I think everyone should sleep on the roof tonight. I don't no creepy-crawly, eating me when I'm asleep!

Charlie: (laughing) they eat you when you're awake too.

Jones: well, I'm done for today, can't take all this action, I'm gonna to bed, see y'all in the morning.

Joey: night.

Charlie: wanna play a card game before we hit the hay.

Joey: sure why not.

Charlie: cool, I'll get Emily, we'll meet by Shayne.

Joey: okay.

So while Nancy and Jones slept on the roof, the other four were playing go fish and as always, Charlie beat them. Samuel even came up to play some war with them. After a night of battling each other with cards, they went to sleep on the cold hard roof.

Jones: (shaking Samuel) yo, wake up, it time for work.

Samuel: five more minutes, mom.

Jones: mom!? Y'er better get you fucken large ass up, we gotta some work to do!

Samuel: (yawning) oh hi, where did the other two went?

Jones: hunting.

Samuel: what!? I wanted to come with them!?

Jones: to bad, today you're with me.

Samuel: ah man, you're mean!

Out on the street, Charlie and Joey are heading towards the forest.

Joey: so how long have you been hunting?

Charlie: ever since I came to America.

Joey: but you speak English very well.

Charlie: yeah, I came here when I was 16-15, something like that, I came here for better life, but instead I got this!

Joey: (laughing) I with you man.

Charlie: well that forest isn't-

A big buzzing from the sky, they look up and saw a helicopter.

Joey: (pointing up) look!

Charlie: (blocking the sunlight with his hands) that a helicopter!?

Joey: yeah, maybe it will help us?

Charlie: it's low enough, start waving!?

Both of them: (waving like crazy) hey, hey, down here!?

Helicopter: (started to shooting)

Charlie: ah Joey.

Joey: yes?

Charlie: run!?

Joey: split up!?

Charlie ran to the left and Joey ran to the right.

Joey: (running) oh fuck!?

The helicopter was following Joey!

Joey: oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. (Hid behind a buliding)

The helicopter flew past the buliding.

Joey: oh God, that was a close one!?

He looked around, looking for Charlie.

Joey: Charlie, Charlie! (Walking down the street) Charlie...

Zombie: grahhhh.

Joey: oh shit!?

More zombie: arhhhh!

Joey: (looking behind) no, no, no! Charlie!?

Zombies swarms him, surrounding, grabbing, Joey only have a hammer, and a pistol with six bullets.

Jones: (panting) damn it, I don't want to fix this door ever again....

Samuel: yeah, but it look like that dude is past out.

Jones: hmmm, SHAYNE!

Shayne: (waking up) fuck!

Jones: stop sleeping on the job!? You're starting to act like Samuel.

Shayne: how?

Jones: you're starting to annoy me!

Shayne: (laughing).

Samuel: (pointing to a distance) hey, isn't that.... oh what his name... Carlos, Carol, Charles.

Jones: Charlie!

Samuel: yeah, the one who beat me up!?

Shayne: sup man, where's Joey?

Charlie: (trying to catch his breath) I.... I.... lost him!?

Shayne and Jones: what!?

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