Camp Grounds

45 6 10

Shayne: (crossing a bridge) we're almost home free.

Jones: damn man, Samuel what the hell happen?

Samuel: I don't know, I saw a few zombie by the door, I shot them down, but more showed up afterwords!

Joey: these thing are attracted to noise!

Nancy: so, what your point!

Joey: (getting piss) well the more noise you make the more they'll come.

Jones: Joey's right, hon.

Nancy: wha?

Jones: that why the zombie chase after the fireworks back at J-Mart... damn, I still wish we gotten those boxes from those people.

Samuel: Jones, man, I'm sorry... for my group destroy your doors and-

Jones: Sam, just shut up, you talk to much.

Samuel: okay (recline back into his chair)

Shayne: so Charlie, how far is this Crystal lake?

Charlie: only a few more mile away.

Shayne: I hope this car have enough gas to get there.

Jones: so, now that we lost the J-Mart, we need a new shelter.

Joey: how 'bout we use the van?

Jones: eh?

Joey: (pulling some lever) we can pull this to take the chair off, so we can sleep in here!

Emily: (laughing) hell no.

Jones: well, we don't have no other choice.

Nancy: damn it, why can't we sleep outside then this piece of shit.

Shayne: (fixing his rear mirror) hey, this piece of shit is keeping you off your feet!

Nancy: to be honest I rather-

Jones: Nancy, cut it out!

Charlie: so how the back, Joey?

Joey: well, it would be okay if Emily haven't took up most of the space.

Emily: (laughing) are you calling me fat?

Joey: (smiling) maybe...

Emily: (hitting Joey) you piece of shit, I probably weigh less than you!

Joey: (laughing) I don't think so!

Samuel: if you wanna talk about fat, Jones gain about 300 pounds, that why he couldn't chase those my people out!

Jones: that stupid!?

Nancy: (smiling)

Charlie: (getting serious) let's stop talking 'bout each other, okay.

Joey: fine... Emily is still fat!

Emily: (hitting Joey again)

Joey: (laughing) hey that hurts!

Shayne: (laughing) to be honest, it been awhile since we all had a good laugh.

Jones: yeah, I forgot all about actually livin' your life, instead, we're worry 'bout this crazy shit!

Nancy: well at least nobody died.

Samuel: my people did!?

Nancy: you've join them if my husband haven't been there!?

Samuel: y'know some of those people were my friend, from my life before this shit!?

Charlie: (looking back) really?

Samuel: yeah, the leader, and dude with the rifle and the guy who got bit! They were all my friends before this shit happen.

Emily: (hugging herself) well, at least you still had your friends with you, I lost my boyfriend during this.

Samuel: (looking down) I sorry...

Joey: (looking down) I lost my dad and sister.

Charlie: (sitting back into his spot) I my wife and kid to... to this. (started to cry)

Shayne: I didn't have anyone to loose, to be honest, my dad and mom died of cancer, and I am an only child, but I did loose all my friends and employees...

Joey: damn, I sorry to hear that..

Emily: yeah, I didn't know you been through a lot.

Shayne: don't be sorry, I was a little shit anyways, always getting in trouble.

Joey: same, I would be in debt, and always cause trouble between me and my dad...

Nancy: what did you do?

Joey: gamble...

Nancy: (looking at Jones) hmmmm, sound familiar?

Jones: hey, I don't gamble, well not as much as I used to.

Nancy: used to! You gamble every Saturday and Friday, always thinking you might hit the Mega Million! You tried so hard, but never made, you didn't even get your number close to the actual number.

Joey: see that is the exact reason why I don't want to get marry!

Everyone: (laughing)

Jones: good one, man.

Charlie: (laughing) I got to admit, that was funny.

Shayne: well, I guess the zombie apocalypse isn't so bad.

Nancy: no, it's still bad.

Jones: well I guess if everyone still was alive, maybe then it wouldn't such a bad thing, but I guess that not gonna happen anytime soon.

Samuel: yeah- hey, what that?

Charlie: (looking up) hmph, looks like rain clouds.

Joey: it haven't rain in awhile!?

Emily: yeah, but look like a storm. See those grey clouds, I don't like them.

Joey: it getting dark to I wonder if we-

Shayne: shit!?

The car crush into a dark moving shadow.

Joey: Jesus.... is everyone okay?

Emily: yeah, I good.

Samuel: I think my leg bone pop!

Jones: we're fine.

Shayne: that was a hell of a crush!

Charlie: look, there lights!

Joey: (whispering) Charlie, how 'bout me and you go and check it out!

Charlie: (nodding) let's go.

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