Ambush! Part 2

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Samuel from the group out- side had just stolen all of guns, Joey and Shayne had just fail an attempt to catch him, now they must confront Jones with the bad news!

Jones: what the fuck is going on!

Shayne: a fucker just stole all our guns!

Jones: what!?

Laughing is being heard from the outside.

Joey: who the fuck is that?

Jones: I don't know, let's go!

They ran back into the main store.

Nancy: Joey, you mother fucker, what the hell is going on!

Joey: don't look at me I didn't-

Jones: take cover! (Leaping away)

The red pickup truck slam in the front doors!

Charlie: where's the guns!

Leader: looking for these?

Shayne: oh fuck....

Leader: nice place you got here. It got food, tools, lights, ooooh, what that, snacks! I haven't had those for awhile now!

Emily: what do you want from us!?

Leader: let me think... hmmm, oh yeah, everything!

The leader's group place a gun to the other group's head.

Leader: don't move now, or we'll feed you to the zombies!

They took everything, every thing that is important for living.

Nancy: (whispering to Joey) I gonna kill you!

Jones: no you won't!

Charlie: now it not the time-

Jones: you fucker, why the hell you wanna steal our food can't you (the man drew his gun closer to Jones' head)

Leader: would you just shut the fuck up! My people haven't ate in days, plus you have so much, and not willing to share it! So if you don't shut up, I will personally feed you first, for the zombies!

They finish cleaning out the store! As they were leaving the leader threw only one box of food, and one rifle

Leader: good luck, we'll be back (waving goodbye)

Jones: (kneeling down) fuck you, asshole!! I gonna kill you...! (He finally gave up)

Nancy: (heading towards Joey) you fucker!

Joey: (standing up) what the hell is wrong with you, stop pointing fingers at me!?

Shayne: yeah, Nancy, we tried to catch that fucker who-

Nancy: shut up, you ugly ass hillbilly!

Jones: stop it! (Stood up) stop pointing fingers at them Nancy! They told me what happen... it was all the set up!

Nancy: so they are part of a bad group!

Jones: no! Joey and Shayne tried to catch that bastard, but he slip away! Now listen, we only have one box of food and only one gun for six full grown people!

Shayne: well... actually... two...
No three!

Jones: what?

Shayne: I still have my pistol and Charlie still have his rifle...

Joey: where is Charlie!

Jones: I didn't see him after they left...

Charlie: (dragging something) hey look what the cat drag in.

Emily: no shit!

Jones: good job Charlie.

The group got Samuel, holding on to one of their rifle.

Samuel: let-t me go!

Joey: hah, nice try.

Jones: (slaming his fist on the table) why the hell raid us!?

Samuel: I... we... wanted food-

Jones: bullshit!? If you want food, you didn't have to smash my door down!?

Samuel: but... (started to cry)

Jones: you nothing but a worthless pile of shit!?

Samuel: leave me alone!?

Joey: leave you alone! LEAVE YOU ALONE!!? You stupid son of bitch, your group stole most of food, tools, you even stole wooden flatbed! How on Earth are we going to protect the front doors now!? I would beat the shit out of you, but I see Charlie already did that!

Charlie: (smirking)

Samuel: they'll come back for me!?

Jones: oh sure, they leave you for dead with us!?

Shayne: they're not coming back!?

Samuel: (whining)

Jones: how old are you, son?

Samuel: nineteen...

Jones: and your dumb as fuck. Now for you destroying our place your gonna to help us!?

Samuel: what!?

Jones: you heard me!?

Because of Charlie great achievement of catching the theif, Jones has a great plan to get revenge on the group that sack them...

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