Falling Apart

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Shayne: Joey?

Joey: yeah man?

Shayne: let's not tell everyone what we saw, okay.

Joey: yeah, I don't want them to think we're depressed too!

Shayne: but, I did learn something about these zombies!

Joey: what?

Shayne: that they eat anything that is alive.

Joey: ... c'mon it's best not to think about it.

Shayne: I guess... well, here we are, home sweet home.

Joey: (jumping from the bus) sup Charlie!

Charlie: hey guys...

Shayne: what's the matter?

Charlie: I think Jones hate me...

Joey: why?

Charlie: I don't know, he didn't wanna talk to me while we were fishing.

Shayne: well, let's talk to him, maybe he'll get over it.

Charlie: ... okay, maybe.

Joey: (carrying the diesel to the camp ground and seeing Emily poking at the fire) hey Emily, what's the matter?

Emily: I dunno, this group is fallin' apart...

Joey: what makes you say that?

Emily: Nancy is mad at me, Jones and Charlie are piss at one another-

Joey: wait, why is Nancy mad at you?

Nancy: (walking in on their conversation) 'cause she call me a lousy shot!

Joey: (looking back) what did you shoot?

Nancy: a zombie!

Joey: where!?

Nancy: in the shower.

Joey: did anyone get hurt?

Nancy: nope.

Joey: then why are you mad?

Nancy: because, the zombie went after Emily, and I shot it down, and she said that I suck at aiming!

Emily: it's true, it took you about three bullet just to hit one zombie!

Joey: ah, guys-

Nancy: well, I still save your ass!

Emily: yeah, you still suck-

Joey: guys-

Nancy: shut the hell up you ungrateful little brat-

Joey: GUYS!!!

Nancy and Emily: what!!

Joey: both of you need to stop fighting right now, look, we'll teach you, Nancy, how to shot. Emily, does the shower work?

Emily: yeah.

Joey: here, (give her a man green button down shirt then pulls out a yellow bandana) you think you can do something about this?

Emily: yeah.

Joey: here go change your clothes, these zombie aren't that stupid, they can probably smell you.

Emily: (walks away)

Near a cabin

Shayne: hey Jones!

Jones: oh hi, how was the trip.

Shayne: got what we needed.

Jones: that good.

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