That Lucky Bastard!

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As Joey and Charlie continue down the highway, they see more of those things....

Joey: man, where the hell are these things coming from?

Charlie: could be from the hospital.

Joey: I don't think so.

Charlie: really?

Joey: think about it, people were brought there to be cured of it.

Charlie: yeah, a great thing that did.

Joey: heh, right, (looking down) ah shit, we're almost out of gas!

Charlie: there's a gas station up ahead.

Joey: sweet.

As they stop by the gas station, they went down to get some gas. Nobody was behind the counter!

Charlie: that's weird, nobody's here.

Joey: it doesn't say close, so what's the deal?

Person: get back you ugly freaks!

Charlie: (getting scared) what's was that?

Joey: I don't know!

Person: you lucky son of a bitch!

Joey: c'mon!

They ran to a garage, and in there was a mechanic fighting off those things. He was standing on top of a counter.

Mechanic: oh hi, finally some normal people (things growling)
can you help me!?

Joey: don't worry, we'll be right there!

Charlie: look an axe!

Joey: "break in case of an emergency."

Charlie: (breaking glass) let's go!

Joey: (grab a wrench) okay!

As Charlie chopped off the heads of the thing, Joey could only bruised the head of them.

Joey: *huff* do you have anything that sharp!?

Mechanic: try that drawer- *crush* behind you!

Joey: (pulling out a hammer) cool!

They smash the head of the things. Freeing the mechanic.

Mechanic: (panting) thank you! By the way (standing back up) what's your are names?

Joey: I'm Joey and he's Charlie.
Charlie: hello.

Joey: so... what's your name?

Mechanic: Shayne.

Charlie: so... Shayne... what the hell happen?

Shayne: my customers, lucky bastard, ran away screaming once they heard the news, but got those shithead, those things,  and got their attention and came my way. I was corner and I beat the crap outta them. Until you guys showed up!

Joey: yeah man, hey do you know how to work the gas thingy?

Shayne: how come?

Joey: we ran out of gas.

Shayne: okay, sure why not.

Charlie: maybe we can sleep here till tomorrow.

Joey: yeah, umm, Shayne is it. Wanna come with us?

Shayne: where you guys going, the news say to stay?

Joey: hah, after what we saw, hell no!

Shayne: okay, I wouldn't be alive if you guys weren't here.

Joey: okay we leave in the morning!

Charlie: good, we need to find food to, for our trip.

Shayne: where are we going anyway?

Joey: Ohio!

Charlie: I thought maybe to get as far away as possible.

Shayne: I heard to stay in Michigan.

Joey: nah.

Shayne: why!?

Joey: 'Cause, that where all the things started.

Shayne: actually..... (looking at the tv)

Shayne drag an old color TV set.

Joey: dude, it's a dinosaur!

Shayne: just watch.

Tv: *bzzzzt*

Charlie: oh shit, it's still work!

Shayne: actually this is the break room tv (smiling)

Joey: (laughing)

Tv: breaking news, zombie-like things spreading for North Dakota are heading towards Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio and there still seem to be- oh no- t-t-they are still spreading. Eating anything.  The National Guards are trying to hold them back but they're being eaten alive.... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!

Joey: damn, I never like that news guy anyway, to dramatic... but still.

Shayne: yeah, man, that's mess up!

Charlie: agree.

Joey: that mean this is the start of a-

Shayne: zombie apocalypse!?

Joey: (nodding)

Charlie: (started to cry) why... why... a zombie apocalypse?

Joey: I don't know, but tomorrow we need to get the hell outta here!

Shayne: well, it's getting dark tomorrow we can get some food!

Charlie: yeah, hopefully we might it throught this....

Joey: (shrugging) maybe, but that news guy made it sound like it wasn't.

Shayne: ahh, he's a liar, he said it "snow" in July!

Joey: (laughing) I remember that!

Charlie: (smiling) well, let's get some sleep.

Joey: (yawning) yeah, let's!

So Joey, Charlie, and Shayne slept in the gas station garage. Until then, the danger grows and continue to move.

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