Vlogmas Day 1: We Can Finally Be Excited for Christmas!

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"Say good morning to the vlog," I say and swing the camera to face my lovely girlfriend. She's sitting at the breakfast table with a bowl of porridge in her pyjamas.

"Morning," she says with chubby cheeks, because her mouth is full, and the most wonderful tight-lipped smile. Her hair is messy and all over the place and her eyes face a bit puffy but her eyes shine excitedly. How did I get so lucky? 

"You're finally allowed to be excited for Christmas!" she exclaims when she's swallowed her bite. "Or technically you guys were allowed since yesterday."

"I know a lot of people have been excited ever since Halloween finished," I say, grinning from ear to ear. She doesn't have classes until later today and I love having chilled mornings with her.

"I know but I only really feel Christmassy when it's December. Did you tell them about our advent calendar?"

"No, but we did only just put it up yesterday," I remind her.

"Well, show them," she says getting out of her seat, urging me to follow her.

"Isn't it pretty?" she asks while I focus my camera at the calendar hung on the wall. It's basically a big wall carpet with 24 pockets but it's knitted by hand and entirely unique, which is why Abbs likes it so much.

"Yes, it is. See, guys," I say and aim the camera back at me, "we've decided to have alternate days, so every other day I'll get something and the other days Abbs will. As you can see the small pouches are already filled with special little treats. We got inspiration from Marcus and Niomi who did the same thing last year."

"And I'm the uneven numbers because Nate insists on being the evens," Abbs says while reaching into the pocket with 1 December.

"Only because I like even numbers," I argue, and I don't need to look at her to know she's rolling her eyes.

"Should I open it now?" she asks looking up at me with the little present in her hands.

"Yes, please do. I'm excited to see what you think of this," I encourage her.

She gently opens the tape and unfolds the paper. If it had been me, I'd just have ripped the paper.

"Awe! That is so cute!" she exclaims looking at the little plastic figure of a Golden Retriever puppy.

"I thought it could go on the shelf in your reading nook. I know you want a dog in the future and that is a promise we'll get one," I say. She hasn't audible talked about how much she wants a dog but she doesn't need to. I know her.

"Really?" she asks, looking taken aback.

"Yes, I was thinking in the spring maybe," I say and watch how her face transforms to an expression of pure joy. She jumps onto me clinging to me in a levitated hug as she wraps her legs around me.

"Wait are you still filming?" she asks when she sees my outstretched hand.

"Turn that off, boy," she says and wiggles her eyebrows.

I don't need to be told twice. 

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