Vlogmas Day 21: Driving Home For Christmas

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"We're driving home for Christmas, oh I can't wait to see those faces," Abbs sings along merrily as the perfect song comes on.

We don't have car but I borrowed one from my mate, who's travelling during Christmas and didn't need it. None of our sisters or their significant others are with us as all of them aren't ready to leave just yet. I kind of like spending time alone with Abbs, even if we're just sitting in traffic most of the time.

"We've driving home for Christmas, yeah. Well, I'm moving down that line," I continue where Abbs left off when she realised that I was vlogging.

I also nudge her gently with my shoulder.

"And it's been so long but I will be there," she continues enthusiastically. 

"I sing the song to pass the time away," I sing the next line.

"We're too cheesy," Abbs says and actually hides behind her hands.

If I weren't driving, I'd reach over and remove them and kiss her until she wouldn't care who saw who she really is. I get she wants to keep our relationship as private as possible but sometimes I wish I could show just how lovely she is when she's all lovey-dovey.

"Yes, but you love it," I say instead. I half expect her to deny it but she catches me by surprise.

"Of course, I do," she says with a warm smile and leans over to plant a kiss on my temple. "This still just seems so odd. Where has December gone? Can you believe it's Christmas in just four days? I don't feel ready at all."

I know she isn't just talking about Christmas approaching too fast, she also means the potentially life-changing thing she's planned for January 2016. She's been working on it all this month and I know she's nervous to take the plunge.

"December always goes by to fast. It's just a festive month and I feel like you're always so busy and that just makes time fly. It's still a couple of days away and we have plenty of time to savour in it. We're not doing any work until the day after Boxing Day."

"Your viewers would not like that if it were true," Abbs says, pointing to the camera.

"Oh yeah, of course I need to film and edit my dailyvlogs but you know that's not really work," I tease her. I do really enjoy my dailyvlogs, even if it means I have to edit at least one video every single day of my life.

"And I probably will still be blogging too," Abbs intervenes. "That's not work for me either."

"We're lucky," I say.

"Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life," Abbs quotes. "So, yes. We indeed are."

I turn my head momentarily to look at the beautiful girl next to me. I'm so excited for what she's about to embark on next and I just hope she'll never feel like that is work either.

"Driving home for Christmas with a thousand memories," Abbs sings, picking up her sing-along.

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