Vlogmas Day 5: Birthday Shenanigans

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I turn on the camera and point it at the tray of pancakes. I've just made a whole bunch of crepes for Abbs as today is her birthday. I know that when she was younger and lived at home, her parents would always wake her with her favourite breakfast food; pancakes.

I gesture to the vlog to be silent, even though I know they can't say anything.

I carry the tray to our bedroom and gently but it down next to her. Hopefully, she won't jump too much or she might knock over her apple juice.

"Abbs," I call softly, my voice still hoarse from sleep. She always says that she loves my voice in the morning but I can't understand why.

She doesn't react; she's still in deep sleep. It isn't even that early but it's Saturday so she wanted to have a lie-in.

"How is the birthday girl doing?" I ask a bit louder. "Abbs," I say, nudging her gently.

She groans but turns over and slightly opens her eyes. The sight of me grinning with the camera in my hand wakes her up.

"Morning," she says but closes her eyes again.

"I've got a surprise for you," I say, gesturing the food. However that is not the only thing I have up my sleeve.

"Pancakes," she exclaims as she spots the food. "You're too damn adorable. I can't believe you remembered."

She doesn't like being the centre of attention or people making a big deal of her birthday. However, because Emma and Megan are on short holiday weekend in Malta, her parents in Brighton and Luke in LA, I knew I had to play substitute family. She will undoubtedly get sent cards, receive messages and calls but it isn't the same as them actually being here with her.

We cuddle up in bed while we both dig into the big stack of pancakes.

"Now you didn't plan anything extravagant?" she asks, slightly worried. "I don't want to make a big thing of it."

"No, nothing big but..."

I pause and watch her eye me until she finally nudges me and demands answers.

"I may have made sure I had absolutely no plans today. No meetings, shootings or anything. I even edited yesterday's vlog after you fell asleep."

"Are you saying we can do nothing all day?" Abbs exclaims excitedly.

Maybe, it's because we're quite busy but the prospects of having a quiet day with nothing planned is exciting to us both.

"Well, I did pull out a few chairs and found old sheets and blankets as I thought we could make a blanket fort," I confess.

"Really?" Abbs asks enthusiastically and I know I've made the right call. "So we can cuddle up and watch Christmas films and just forget about the world?"

"If that what you want then yes. I just want you to have the best day possible," I say honestly.

"What are you waiting for then?" she asks with her mouth stuffed with pancake. "Let's go built a fort."

She swipes up the pancake plate, taking it with her, jumping jollily into the living room.

I shoot the vlog a knowing look before turning it off. 

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