Vlogmas Day 9: Janya and Natigail at Zalfie's

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Even with four other people vlogging I know I want to capture this as well. Why the hell Alfie agreed to get his bum waxed is beyond me but nevertheless, I know the viewers will love it.

I look to the corner of Zoe and Alfie's big sofa where Abbs is sitting intrigued but happy being a spectator rather than a practiser. She's in an identical onsie to the ones Tanya and Zoe are wearing. Being included in their group means more to her than I think the girls realise.

We all gasp as Zoe fails to rip one of the waxing strips off and Alfie groans in pain. Promptly, Jim agrees to take over because clearly "Tanella", Zoe and Tanya's self-proclaimed beauty spa, needs to work on their technique.

Nala barks from Abbs' lab, as she's probably wondering why her "father" is screaming in pain.

I divert my camera from Alfie and zooms in on Abbs as she cradles Nala and speaks to her in a soft voice, making her calm down immediately. Sleepily, the dog lies down on her lap again.

Quickly, Alfie has had enough and by the time we're done he looks like he regrets his decision.

"Now it's your turn, mate," Jim says jokingly to me. He's had his shoulders done, on his own request though, and I'm the only of the guys who've escaped the waxing strips. 

"Nah, I'm good," I say, settling down next to Abbs on the sofa.

We've had just a lovely day, the morning at Chewton Glen, the long car drive with Jim and Tanya, laptop time, a trip to Waitrose and way too much food. Abbs has been nothing but smiles all day and that alone is enough to make me happy.

"What? Don't you trust Tanella?" Tanya asks, sounding sincere but obviously joking.

"Honey, you weren't very good at it," Jim chimes in, giving his wife an overbearing look.

"I bet you'd let Abbey do it though," Alfie says. "What do you say, Abbey? Does Nate need a waxing?"

"What would that salon name be? Tanabbella?" Zoe wonders out loud.

"I think I'll leave the beautifying to you two," Abbs answers softly. "But I'd recommend Tanella far and wide. I can even think of a slogan: They might not give you the smoothest wax, but they'll give you the most soothing laughs."

The room goes quiet for a second, then two... before all of us toppled over with laughter. Sometimes Abbs is funny but whenever she tries to be funny on purpose, it's always so stupid but honestly, most of the time that's what makes you laugh anyway.

"Aww, I love you, Abbey!" Zoe says, swiftly moving from her seat to embrace Abbs. Tanya follows suit resulting in them almost sitting on top of Abbs and I, thankfully Nala has moved. I see Jim and Alfie exchange a look and I know what is coming.

But before I can protest or warn the three girls next to me, they are over us. We're a big six-way pile of humans and multiple cameras out to capture it. The girls squirm and protest but soon the protests turn into laughter as my camera is knocked out of my hand.

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