Vlogmas Day 4: Let There Be Fairy Lights

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Prompt: Molly from @mytemporaryfixes

"Abbs?" I ask as I twist the door to our flat open. It's almost as if I can sense something in the air. She's been up to something.

"Yes, love?" she calls as the doors swing open to reveal what I can only describe as a million fairy lights. They are laying in a tangled mess on the floor but are turned on.

"What are you doing?"

"Decorating our flat, silly. I feel like we're really behind, I've been looking at so many blog posts about beautiful Christmas decorations and then there's our flat, completely bare," she explains while untangling the string of lights in her hands. 

"I thought we would do that once we've got our tree," I say as I drop my bag on the counter.

"I couldn't wait. I want a Christmassy house now," she says with the brightest smile. I know Christmas is her favourite holiday.

"But why on earth do you have all the lights on? Surely, there would be no need for them to be on until you've untangled them."

"But look how pretty they are all lit up. Besides, I feel like I'm standing in an ocean of light and I love it," she says and I step back to show the vlog what she means. She even does a little twirl.

I look around the flat to see the two boxes of Christmas decorations, hers and mine. I'm sure she has more than me; I only bought a couple of items when I first moved out. She's got special pieces, some handmade.

"Tell me again why we need this many lights?" I ask with a chuckle. "Or are some for the tree?"

"No, these are all for the flat. I want to have it all along the window shill, the top of the cabinets, along the head of the bed," she says, dreamingly. "Now, give me a hand."

"Fine," I say and put down my vlogging camera on the counter, maybe I can do a speed-up montage of us untangling the lights. I pick up a bundle. This is going to take forever. I don't have the patience for this.

"Look at me, Abbs," I say as I'm wrapping the tangled lights around my head. "I'm Prince Nate of London! Also known as the prince of light!"

"Nate, stop it," she huffs annoyed. "You're tangling them more!"

"I am the ruler of this land," I say as I throw the attached string of fairy lights over my shoulder like it was my cape. "And I will not take orders from anyone. Not even from my princess."

"Nate," she says and I can hear she's really trying to keep her serious face on. It isn't working. Her face muscles are practically cramping, dying to allow the laugh bubbling underneath to surface.

"I'll rescue you from the ocean of light," I say and jump forwards her, swooping her into my arms. She can't hold it in anymore and laughs loudly.

"You're so stupid," she says in between giggles. I lean in for a kiss.

"The vlog," she protests, nodding towards the counter where of course the vlog has captured the whole thing.

"I'll cut this out," I say and press my lips to hers.

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