Vlogmas Day 12: Late night exploring

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"Gotcha!" I say and try to sound less tired than I am. It's way past midnight and Abbs and I are walking around London. I only pull out the camera now that I know we're quite far from our flat in the hopes of keeping our address secret. "Thought I ended the vlog, didn't ya? We decided to come out and take a stroll under the starry night."

I don't explain that we're out because Abbs woke from a horrible nightmare and walked around our flat restlessly. She's had a lot on her mind lately and now it seems it's consuming her dreams too. I suggested we go for a walk outside in the fresh cold air to calm her down.

Saturday night has just passed and we've passed quite a few groups of drunken people but other than that London seems quiet and serene.

"It's so peaceful out here," Abbs says and then turns to look into the camera. "If you've never had a midnight stroll in your town during Christmas time I do recommend it. It's so pretty with all the lights."

Abbs looks slightly puffy-eyed but very cuddly in her giant winter coat and I know she's wearing like three layers underneath it too. It makes her torso seems really wide and as if her head and legs are tiny in comparison.

"I'm hungry," Abbs says. She's been anxious all evening and when she's like that she doesn't eat much. She barely touched dinner and now it's catching up.

"Well, I know a place just around the corner," I say having foreseen it and walked us in the direction of my sister's café.

"We can't just go in there," Abbs argues as I twist my key in the lock. "Taking food without permission is stealing."

"I'll text my sister to let her know and we can leave cash on the counter. Come on, you know Sabrina won't mind," I say as I push her inside.

"Fire up the Panini press and I'll get the ingredients," I say and hand her my vlogging camera.

"Guys, I also feel like we should say this is Nate's sister's café. We're not actually trespassing," I can hear Abbs explain to the vlog.

"If we were breaking in then why would I have a key?" I shout.

"I don't know?" Abbs says. "You could have taken it from somewhere!"

"Okay, we're not trespassing and we'll pay for what we take. And sis, if you're watching this, we borrowed your café," I clarify to the vlog. I go to my sister's café quite often and it seems like a hang-out place for my viewers after they discovered it through me. However, Sabrina is extremely strict about how many are allowed in and that they have to order something and leave when they are done, so they won't hang around hoping to meet me and be taking up her limited space.

Abbs rolls her eyes at me while smiling. I'm so happy she's feeling better. It's always a good sign when she's smiling and is hungry. I'm ecstatic that what had been bothering her seemed to pass.

"Let's get cooking," I say as if it's the most normal thing to do in a café at 2 AM on a Sunday. 

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