Vlogmas Day 15: Cute Double Date

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"Okay, guys," I say to my camera, which I have just turned on. "We're out for dinner with Emma and Megan."
I turn the camera to the lovely couple sitting opposite us. Emma just put up a vlog of them where it was heavily implied that they were a couple and afterwards Megan wrote a post about it on her Tumblr. They're officially a couple, which I personally think is great. I hate keeping secrets even though I have done so many times for Abbs. I'd do anything for that girl.

"You can't just spring your camera on me. Give me a heads up. Being in a SillyNate vlog has been a dream of mine," Megan says grinning. I'm not sure whether she's kidding or deadly serious.

"Nate forgets that you were a dedicated viewer before. Don't you remember that I showed you all her edits and videos of you and our friends," Abbs says and smirks at Megan.

"Don't embarrass me in front of the super star," she complains loudly, clearly taking the piss out of me now.

"Hey, I was an even bigger fangirl than Megs," Emma argues. "I've even read some pretty sauce fanfics."

"Oh, this took a turn," Megan says laughing while I can feel Abbs shift in her seat besides me.

"Better not be any including me, Ems," she says with a grin. If anyone else but her sister had made that remark, she would have been uncomfortable but not when it's Emma. The sisters are so close and I know Megan is also good friend to Abbs. I'm so happy that we can all hang out. 

The three girls simultaneously burst out laughing and it takes a full minute for them to calm down. In the mean time I'm making confused faces at the camera.

"Oi, Nate. Give me your camera," Emma demands. I hand it over without question.

"Hi Nate's viewers. Firstly, subscribe to my YouTube channel and secondly, follow this girl on Tumblr. Links will be in the description," Emma says and points downwards.

"Emma, I always put the links of the people, who are in my vlog, in the description box," I say.

"Sure, Nate. Thirdly, how cute are Natigail," Emma says and points to Abbs and I. We are leaning slightly towards each other, almost instinctively or like magnets being pulled together. We don't even realise that we're doing it. "Just look at them. It doesn't get much better than that!"

Of course, her comments makes Abbs blush but she then sticks out her tongue teasingly. Emma mimics the gesture.

"Honestly, the two of you are quite the pair," Megan comments. "It makes me want a sister."

"I've got one, you don't want that," I say. "And Sabrina, if you're watching; I didn't mean that."

"Food!" Abbs exclaims and I follow her gaze to see the waiter approach our table.

I turn off the camera partly because the food is arriving and partly because I'm sure what I captured already is quite chaotic.

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