Vlogmas Day 6: We Found Our Tree

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"I'm back," I say to my camera that I have just turned on again. "As you saw in the last clip, we thought we had found our tree but Abbs wants to keep looking."

I'm slightly annoyed and of course, she picks up on that right away.

"Don't be grumpy. It's important to get the best tree. That's going to be in our flat for a long time. I don't want to pick the first best tree we see."

"That rhymed," I comment as my annoyance vanishes. I do love that she's so passionate about finding the right tree for our home. I didn't have a tree in my flat last year and she kept harassing me about it saying that it wasn't right.

She stops to look at a very pretty tree but by the way she purses her lips, I can tell that this won't be it either.

"So beautiful but it's too wide," she mutters to herself. She's also carrying her camera around snapping the odd photo here and there when she sees a photographic opportunity. She wants to write a blog post on picking your Christmas tree.

"Do you need any help?" a worker asks me, I turn to look for Abbs who somehow managed to disappear for that one second I was distracted. I lower my camera to my side so I don't need to answer any questions about why I'm filming myself.

"No, I think we're good. My girlfriend is just a bit indecisive," I explain.

"Okay, but let me know if you need anything," she says. "Like a tree or a new girlfriend."

I almost choke on my own spit. What? I kind of want to laugh but I don't.

"No thanks, I love my girlfriend," I say awkwardly and thankfully, she walks away with a nod.

Magically, Abbs reappears by my side tugging at my sleeve.

"I think I've found it, come see," she says as she pulls me along.

"A girl just hit on me," I tell her, still perplexed by the experience. I've had girls hit on me before but not when I made it obvious I had a girlfriend.

"Alright, love," Abbs says like it's no big deal.

"Don't you believe me?"

"Of course, I do. You're gorgeous. I'm just not worried, that's all," she says with a smile that warms my heart. "Now, come see our tree."

I love how even though she can be insecure in so many different situations she's never doubted our relationship. She's always convinced that it'll work out even when times are tough. She knows me well enough to know I'm fully dedicated to her, as I know she is to me. Her belief in us is unwavering.

"Look," she says and shows me the tree.

It's perfect. Just the right height and width for the space it needs to go in. The pine needles hold a stunning green colour that makes seem like the tree has a slight glow to it. It's stored all the way in the back, half covered by other trees which is probably why no one have picked it up yet.

"Guys! We found our tree," I announce to the vlog. "It's a hidden gem, shy at first but absolutely spectacular when you get to have a look up close."

I'm pointing the camera at the tree while I speak but I'm looking at Abbs. Only she would find a tree just like herself.

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