Vlogmas Day 23: My Parents' Party

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"Guys," I whisper to the vlog. I don't even know what is must look like we're doing. Abbs and I are squeezed into my parents' wardrobe.

"We're hiding from my parents' pretentious friends," I continue and Abbs chuckle.

"They're not that bad," Abbs says, ever the kind girl that she is. I know in reality she would be another place than here.  She's trying her best but she really doesn't like my parents. I don't blame her; at times even I can't get along with them. However, I do love her for always trying and never giving up.

"We're literally the only ones under forty-five," I say and shake my head. "My sister got out of it by saying she promised to go to dinner with her boyfriend's parents. Lucky bastard. I tried to play the same card but unfortunately my mother could only bear to part with one child, not two."

"And now, she dislikes me even more from tearing her loving son from her," Abbs says jokingly.

"You're not tearing me, I'm running to you love," I say and lean in for a peck on the temple. I kind of want to turn off the vlog and give her a proper kiss but I need some footage and frankly, the fact we're hiding in a closet is hilarious.

"What is it about the holidays? You're more cheesy than ever before, love," Abbs says, rolling her eyes. She's by far used to my cheesiness by now and I'm pretty sure she secretly loves it.

"How long do you think we should stay in here before it's safe to come out?" I ask.

"Not until they dropped the university talk. I don't want to hear about how university is a necessity. I don't like the indirect daps at you or the fact that they portray it like I'm only going to uni to have a safety net," Abbs says.

I know the main reason she dislikes my parents and doesn't get on with them is because they don't support me unconditionally. Her parents have always have and to her it's almost like a requirement for parents.

"I know, love. Let parents be parents. I guess that's also a lesson to you guys," I say talking directly to the vlog, "I know some of you have families that don't get you. I know it sucks beyond belief but some day you'll move out and get to pick your own family. Until then try to find allies, in my experience a sibling can do nicely. Even if your parents are acting completely in the wrong, you need to be the bigger man."

Abbs watch me carefully, waiting until I finish my rant. The intensity at which she looks at me makes my heart beat faster. This wonderful girl is hanging on my every word, how did I ever get so lucky?

"Life lessons with Nate in his parents' wardrobe," she mutters. "You know you can be very wise sometimes, honey."

"Yeah, it's not all silly challenges. I can be profound sometimes too."

"You often are, love, especially in the vlogs. I'm sure these guys know," Abbs says, gesturing to the vlog. "All of the sudden you'll go off on an important tangent and comes up with sometimes that's maybe exactly what one person needed to hear that day."

The door to the wardrobe opens and my aunt catches Abbs and I sitting cross-legged on the floor with me filming. Oh, my mother will love this.

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