Vlogmas Day 19: A Dog Is For Life Not Just For Christmas

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I turn on my camera to show the dogs in their crates. There are so many here at the animal shelter where Abbs volunteers. It was something she took up while I was away filming my documentary but she stuck with it and clearly loves it.

"These are so cute," I say, kneeling down to pet a dog through the bars.

"Yes, I love these little cuties," Abbs agrees.

The coordinator of the volunteers, David, walks in and shoots me an odd look for filming. We just had a very awkward first meeting that I thankfully wasn't vlogging. Turns out Abbs haven't mentioned that I'm a YouTuber.

If I didn't know better I would think she was ashamed of me. However, I know her well enough to know that her reasons are valid. She doesn't want to be known for dating a YouTuber and in turns she rarely mention's my profession unless she has to. She'll need to shake that soon though.

"Guys," Abbs says, speaking directly to the camera, completely ignoring David's presence. "This is the animal shelter where I volunteer. It's Nate's first time helping out here and we wanted to vlog it for you not only to show the adorable puppies but also because I recently became aware of a very important campaign."

Abbs take a deep breath and looks past the camera to me. She's good at speaking about things she's passionate about but she also has a tendency to overanalyse everything, such as the fact that this footage will be uploaded to potentially millions.

"It's a campaign against giving pets as Christmas presents, dogs specifically. It's called "A Dog Is For Life, Not For Christmas" and it urges people to remember that dogs are not toys to be given to children on Christmas morning. They are living breathing animals and they aren't for the short-term wow-factor. You should only buy a puppy if you're realistically committed to take care of it for ten to fifteen years. And taking care of it isn't just making sure it has food and water, it's walking it multiple times a day, playing with it, training with it and showing it with love. Don't buy an animal on a whip, they deserve so much better than that."

I keep quiet while watching Abbs talk, it's almost like I'm mesmerised and when I finally break the trance I know I'm not the only one. David is to my left and I know that look on his face.

From the moment I met him, it was obvious to me that he fancies Abbs. Frankly, I don't think she realises and that makes me feel even worse for the guy. Earlier in our relationship, maybe a tiny bit of me would be insecure that Abbs would choose someone else but not anymore. She never shuts up about how much she loves me and has never ever shown interest in other guys.

"After Christmas, this shelter will take in more animals than usual. Pets bought for novelty and not as a future family member. Some people won't have realised the amount of time and effort they require and they'll want to get rid of them. Please only buy an animal if you're ready for the commitment. That being said, they are absolutely wonderful," she says and kneels down to pet the dog in the crate next to her. "And if you have the time and space for one of these fluff balls in your life, I'd definitely recommend them."

She laughs as the dog steps out of its crate and begins to shower her with kisses. I definitely need to get that girl a dog.

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