Vlogmas Day 18: Food Fight

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"Guys, look what we've been making," I say to my camera after I've turned it on. I pan it across the table where bowls and ingredients are shattered across. It looks a bit like a mess but the Christmas cookies in festive shapes on the tray makes up for it.

"Oh, did we make it?" Abbs says sarcastically.

I did mostly watch as she mixed the ingredients, made the dough, rolled it out and cut it into shapes but I've still been helping.

"I'm here for moral support," I chuckle and snuggle up to her from behind, breathing down her neck. She's even wearing an apron, as she doesn't want to get her favourite Christmas jumper dirty.

"Really? In case the crowd of elves and Christmas trees surround me?" she teases but I catch the very slight hitch in her voice. She's gotten so much better but truth is that I still need to be her anchor in crowds. I wish she wouldn't need it but I'm more than happy to stay besides her always.

Also, a tiny part of me is worried that one day she won't need me anymore. I like to be needed.

"Fine, Abbs has been doing some Christmas baking. The mince pies are in the oven as we speak and next up are these delicious cookies," I say and just as I do Abbs tear a piece off the leftover dough and pop into her mouth.

"Abbs!" I exclaim. "Didn't the recipe have eggs? You shouldn't eat that raw!"

"That literally shows how little attention you've been paying. This recipe doesn't have eggs. Besides, the dough is kind of the best thing."

She chews happily while smiling and it makes her face look so round and cute.

"The cookies are good too. But I agree, the dough is wonderful and it great for someone as impatient as me," I say and swoop up the entire dough ball.

"Hey!" Abbs protests. "Didn't your mother ever teach you to share?"

"Nope," I say and swiftly move away my hand as Abbs tries to take the dough ball from me. She's never fast enough to do snatch anything from me but she never stops trying.

"Rude," she huffs but then a light goes on in her eyes. This can't be good. She's got that mischievous sparkle in her eyes. 

"Well, if you're naughty and not nice, you get coal for Christmas and..." she says, pausing as she walks back to the counter, "flour!"

She shouts as she throws a handful of flour in my face. I'm completely taken by surprise and with the camera in one hand and the dough ball in the other I can't block the attack.

I instinctively close my eyes but my mouth must still be open because I taste it in my mouth. I open my eyes with difficulties to see the love of my life grinning with all her might.

Her body convulses with choked laughter but then she lets it go.

"Ahha haha!" she laughs, clutching her stomach. "You look great, love."

"Oh, you just wait," I threaten as I dash towards her and trap her in my arms even with my hands full.

"No!" she begs but I won't stop. I bury my face in her neck and the chest.

"Nate, it's my favourite jumper!" she complains.

"Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house," I say, knowing how she hates when I turn famous phrases against her.

The oven beeps, indicating that the mince pies are done, and temporarily we come to a ceasefire. However, I know it won't last long.

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