Vlogmas Day 10: Glitter Diary Launch Party

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It's weird but I've gotten used to going to launch parties for all the amazing things my friends do. It seems there's always someone releasing a book, a make-up line or even a film. I like dressing up, although I tend to go for pretty much the same thing; either my black or my navy suit, with or without the jacket depending on formality.

Abbs isn't much for dressing up and she usually just wears whatever her sister advises her. This time it is a deep green sequin dress. She looks lovely no matter what she wears. She's sat chatting to Caspar while I pull out the camera to film Joe and me.

"How's it going, buddy?" I ask Joe, although I have just been stood talking to him for five minutes. The vlog wouldn't know that.

"Yeah alright, mate. I'm thinking about stealing some of the decorations for our flat because it's not Christmassy at all. We haven't put anything up yet," Joe says.

"Really? You could just swing by ours; Abbs has the whole place covered from floor to celling. I've never seen so many twinkly fairy lights before," I reveal. I don't tell him that I actually think it's really lovely and I get happy every time I walk into our home.

"Could you spare some then?" Joe jokes. "I'll probably have to put everything up myself, with Caspar's busted foot and everything. Did you see what he is wearing today?"

"What? No," I say and turn to zoom in at Abbs and Caspar.

Abbs spots me immediately and does a little wave. She went from being in deep conversation but as soon as I turned my attention in her direction, she looked up.

"Has he cut up a slipper?" I ask loudly. We're not that far away from the table and slowly walk closer.

"Yeah," Joe snort laughs, clearly very amused by his roommate's odd shoe choice.

"Don't you dare laugh, Sugg. Or you, Hayden," Abbs says, suddenly sounding very protective. She's always been one to stand up for the underdog, even though I'm sure Caspar could take the banter. I still find her defence of him adorable.

"He's got a bad infection and cut up the slipper to allow the wound to breathe as much as possible. He's still here celebrating his friend."

Joe looks slightly mortified as he mutters a "sorry" but I just grin.

"Thank you, Abbey," Caspar says, playing along as the wounded animal, as he leans over and hugs my girlfriend. "They're always so mean to me."

"Sorry, hun. We'll be nicer," I say but smirk at Caspar. Sometimes, I'm not sure she knows that teasing and banter is the highest form of friendship between guys. I'll explain that to her another day.

"I know you're all playing me," she says surprising all three of us. "I just wanted see how far I could push you. If you'd take me seriously."

She giggles like a child, looking utterly adorable. She might have been kidding this time but I know she'd defend her friends to the end of the earth.

"I know you play-bully the ones you love. That's just boys for you," she says directly to the camera rolling her eyes.

I'm impressed. I didn't think she'd be able to pull one over on us. Joe and Caspar look equally impressed. That's my girl.

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