Vlogmas Day 13: 6 Million Subscribers!

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My hands are visibly shaking and I have no doubt that the camera will pick up on it. I never am one to play it cool when things like this happen.

"Let me take it, love," Abbs says, taking the camera from me.

It's the early afternoon and we're just sitting in our kitchen as I'm watching the number slowly crawl higher and higher. Hitting numbers like this doesn't seem real, not anymore. I never even thought a hundred people would watch my videos, let alone 6 million.

"I can't believe it," I mutter to myself, my eyes intensely staring at my laptop's screen.

"Well, I can," Abbs says. "Your videos are so funny but also uplifting and positive. You make people feel good. You improve their days."

Her voice is filled with love but also with sincerity. She truly does believe what she's saying.

"I don't even know what I should do for this one? I'm running out of ideas..." Nate says.

"You don't need to do anything extravagant," Abbs tells me. "Just a heartfelt reaction and an appreciation of the people, who brought you here. I've seen so many of your viewers promoting your channel these last few days."

I know she's right. I always do a huge follow spree and spend so much time replying to people in the comment section and on Twitter. But it never feels like it's enough. How can words be enough to explain how truly grateful I am for the people who watch my videos? For the people who, through their support, allows me to lead the life that I love? For the people who stopped me that day in Hyde Park where I ran into the love of my life?

"Oh my God!" I exclaim as the number moves past 6,000,000 subscribers. I jump around, hands over my head screaming at the top of my lungs. We'll probably get noise complaints from our neighbours but I don't care.

I pull Abbs into a tight embrace and my whole body is shaking now.

I remember the time when I hit 3 million subscribers. That was before Abbs and I even dated. It was only the second time we hung out and I made up some silly excuse to get her to come out and be part of my celebratory video behind the scenes. I just wanted to see her again but didn't know how else to ask her. She intimidated me so much but that day I saw a crack in what I thought was a perfect façade; she had a panicky moment and I wanted to help her but I couldn't.

Now, I know all her quirks, insecurities and secrets and in the time my subscribers have doubled, my love for her has grown infinitely.

"Congratulations, love," Abbs says, hugging me back with all her might.

"Thank you, honey," I say, hugging her back even tighter.

"You still do the same crazy hands over the head celebratory dance as when you hit 3 million. Someone go find the blog post from that day and compare it to this footage. Exact same, I promise you," she says, revealing that her thoughts too drifted back to that day in May 2014. Oh, how in sync we've become over the years. I love it.

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