Vlogmas Day 2: Singing Christmas Songs

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"Guys," I say in a hushed whisper to my vlogging camera. It's evening and I've just finished editing my daily vlog. "I can hear Abbs singing in the kitchen. Let's see if I can capture it for you."

I walk as stealthy as I can and peak out my office. She's stirring in a pot on the stove, so her back is facing me. I lean out a bit getting a good shot for the vlog.

"The only gift I'll ever need is the joy of family. Oh, why. Cause that's Christmas to me..." she sings softly. She isn't a brilliant singer but she's not as horrible as she thinks either. I like her voice.

"I've got this Christmas song in my heart. I've got the candles glowing in the dark..."

She turns around and spots me immediately.

"Nathan!" she shouts. When she's mad at me she tend to go for my full first name. I think it's a thing she's picked up from her mum, who refuses to call anyone by their nicknames.

"How long were you filming?"

I can see that she's embarrassed but I just find that even more adorable.

"Oh, not that long. Besides it was very cute. How's the food coming along?" I ask as I walk over to her.

"Idiot," she says and shakes her head. I can tell she's not really mad. Just slightly annoyed. The old Abbs would have been petrified and demanded I deleted the footage. Not now, she's grown so much and quite comfortable with being vlogged, at least by Emma and myself. She's still a bit sceptical if it's other people.

She focuses back on the pot and without realising picks up the song where she left off.

"I'm hanging all the stockings by the Christmas tree. Oh why? Cause that's Christmas to me..."

"I'll remember to send Scott and Mitch the link to my daily vlog, I'm sure they'll be delighted."

"Don't you dare!" she says, spinning back to face me. That got her fired up. "If I recall correctly, they are Grammy winners and you're not doing that!"

She leaps forwards as if to take the camera from me.

"Why? It's a huge compliment," I say, smiling widely, while I point the camera back on myself. "Scott and Mitch; Abbs is a huge fan of your music. She has had your Christmas album on repeat all day yesterday and today."

"Nate..." she says threateningly.

"Fine, I won't send the video to them."

"Promise?" she asks, clearly not believing me.

"Promise," I assure her.


"But..." I pause and I'm sure I look as mischievous as I feel. "I didn't say anything about you guys," I say, talking directly to the camera, "please send this video to Scott and Mitch from Pentatonix and Superfruit – with the right time stamp!"

"Nate!" Abbs moans visibly annoyed.

"What? I'm not sending it!" I argue and then turn off the camera. 

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