Vlogmas Day 24: Twas The Night Before Christmas

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Merry Christmas, my dear reader. I hope it has been amazing <3

We're all settled in cosily in front of the fire at Abbs' parents house. Their living room is decked out with decorations from floor to celling and the tree is wonderful. It resembles our tree in a way, with a mixture of fancy decorations and homemade stuff. I don't think it has the charm of ours though, but I'm probably bias because I love ours so much because it is our first joint Christmas tree.

Megan has joined us too as she had opted to join her girlfriend for Christmas rather than her family. A bit like me in that way. Her parents don't get her at all and from what I had gathered, they've had a big falling out in December. How kind it was of the Clover family to take us in.

Luke is also home and although he looks tired, he looks very content. I cannot remember another time where Abbs smiled as brightly as she is right now, lying cuddled up to me. I watch her as she scans the room, her smile growing wider and wider.

She's got that thought-line in between her brows and I want to ask her what she's thinking. I always want to know what going on in her head. I pull out the vlogging camera discreetly as I don't want to disturb the family, who are all chatting amongst themselves.

"Any final Christmas wishes to my viewers?" I whisper to Abbs, hoping I won't alert the family. Emma and Megan are cuddled up as well and their cuteness level makes me want to turn the camera to them but I don't. How much they want to show of their relationship is none of my business and I don't want to share something they want to keep private.

"'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse," she says, quoting an old Christmas poem. She chuckles.

"Why are you saying that?" I ask her.

"I was just thinking of it. It's so quiet now and in a moment the clock will strike midnight and it'll be Christmas day. And I'm here... surrounded by my entire family and I'm just so happy."

I know what she's not adding; the real reason why it makes her so happy. Her family, despite all appearances suggesting that they're the perfect family, has had their troubles. Emma and her mum have had a long history of fighting and Luke almost became an alcoholic. Now, all of them are happy and content.

"I do have something to say I guess. That family is really important, but family isn't necessarily blood. They can be... but sometimes they're not," she says and cuddles closer to me. "You won't know the day that you met a special someone that'll turn out to become your family. It might turn out to be a best friend or a lover. For so long, I've been afraid of strangers. I'm not anymore and I'm so thankful I've overcome my fears. I would have missed out on so many amazing people otherwise."

She's speaking so softly and her eyelids are dropping slightly. She's about to drift off to sleep. She sighs and snuggles even closer.

In a minute, she'll be fast asleep. Then I'll swoop her into my arms and carry her to bed. When she wakes up, it'll be Christmas morning.

EDIT: On the 25th of January 2016, this story hit 1,000 reads. Thank you so much for the massive support. This was such an effort to write but I'm so happy you all liked it xx

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