Chapter 3: The Journey to the Capitol

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This chapter is dedicated to my god-sis. ^_^  


Ken's POV

"I'm ready for it grandpa, it's okay. I'm confident and well prepared. Do you need me to tell you how to cook again?" I asked. "No, Ken. You just take care of yourself. Don't be so over confident. Remember you're doing this for Annabelle! Just go out there and KILL. Form alliance, get sponsers, be a killing machine, my boy." Grandpa replied. Just then, A Peacekeeper came in and ushered granpa out of the room as grandpa shouted "Revenge, my boy!"

Memories of my sister flashed before my eyes...

Annabelle, Annabelle Austin. When I was 8, she was chosen to represent District 9 for the 27th Hunger Games. But died tragically, the boy from District 4, a career, stabbed her repeatedly on the cheeks. It was a deadly sight. In the end, the boy won, Ash. Ash Olin. My sister, she was a great lady. She took care of me and my grandpa even if it would cost her life. Tears started to fill my eyes as I thought of my wonderful caring sister...At the same time, I am also thinking about revenging the Tributes from District 4. I am Ken Austin and I am ready to revenge for my sister even if it costs me my life.

Jade's POV

I had a visitor...WHO? I turned to look around and saw...Ken's Grandpa. I didn't expect him to come and visit me. "Mr..Mr Porten.."I muttered, shocked. "Hi, Jade.." He replied with a smile, " you might be wondering why I am here visiting you. Well, you see, I need you to help me with something. Just a tiny favour." I looked at him and waiting for what he had to say. After a moment of slience, he continued " I need you, together with my grandson Ken, to kill those Tributes from District 4. I want them dead." WIth that, he left the room.

Now, what in the world was that? Oh well, whatever I guess I would have to ask Ken about it later.

-Nobody's POV-

Jannie, together with Jade and Ken, was led to the train by the Peacekeepers. " This train goes for 170 miles per hour, we're trying to speed up but well, we will be travelling slow these days. So we will be in the Capitol in 3 Days or so.." Jannie explained to the two amazed looking tributes.

"Now, I will go find your mentor, Ashely. I think she's in the library cart." And Jannie left the two in the diner cart.

Jade's POV

The Diner cart, it was simply awesome! There are all kinds of foods on the counters. Anything you can think of, its there. And the drinks...the drinks it's no difference. They have everything here! Even the chinese tea (Which tastes strangely good) .  The whole room smells like freshly baked cookies. The marble floor is panited with a mixture of blue and purple as the walls are painted deep violet and midnight blue. At first, I think the room is quite moody... but then I got used to it. I slowly strolled the rows of counters, scanning through the thousands of food that are mad expecially How I wished that we could eat these at home and donate some to the poor...

"So...I heard that you're an asian.." Ken whispered in my right ear.

"Damn you Ken, you scared the living soul out of me. At least tell me that you're behind me?" I said to him, frowning. He just chuckled. "Well, yes I am an asian but thats before my parents died. Now, I'm a new me. I mean now I've been adapted to the Panem life style so I'm pretty much one of the citizens here...I guess" I replied, nibbling on a chocolate chip cookie that I had grabbed from one of the plates.

Ken's POV

I chuckled. It's so cute to see her frowning, her deep brown eyes looking at me, her black curly hair tied into a bun...WAIT, WHAT AM I THINKING?! Pff... She's not my type, I think...? Damn... now I didn't hear what she said... -.-'

Just then, a door slide open and out comes a lady, some where in her early 20s. She have blue eyes and have a short blond hair that ends just above her shoulders and she wears a pair of glasses. I guess that is our mentor, Ashley.

"Well, you must be Ken and you, Jade. Nice to meet you fine young fellows, as you know I'm your mentor, Ashley." Ashley greeted us with a bright smile and gestures us to the seats. We sat down opposite her as she started to give us the basic rules of the games. Blah blah blah... I couldn't care less... I was lost in those deep brown eyes of Jade, and smiled.

"Um... Ken? I thnk you can get your eyes off Jade now and stop smiling like an idiot, it's showing your teeth, they might get flu if you open your mouth for so long" Ashley joked, laughing. Oh lord, that was so embarresing! And I could  see Jade blushing and said  "I...I'm going to my room...It's...It's the second last room to the left right?" Not waiting for the answer, she just dashed out of the room.

"well, I think some body have a crush on Jade..." teased Ashley, dragging the 'Jade' in her sentence.

Jade's POV

WHAT  In THE wOrLd was ThAt?! Why is he looking at me? Don't tell me it's something on my face from those chocolate chips cookies... i was about to rush to the bathroom to check when there was a knock on the door...

I covered my mouth area as I walk to the door and opened it slowly...Ken...

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