Chapter 12 : Trust or not to trust?

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So, a district 5 or/and 7 girl then; )


Ken's POV

After the Tribute Parade, we headed back to our apartment for a dinner feast. Well, actually all the meals here are considered feast.. because you know.. its the Capitol.

The dinning table was filled with variety of delicious food accompanied by bottles of water, juice and wine.


"Help yourselves!" Ashley invited us to have our seat at the table.

I took a seat next to Jade.

"Your entrance just now was just fabulous!" praised Jan.

Jade blushed. "Thanks" i replied, pretending to be paying attention to the spread.

After everyone got whatever they want on their plate, its time to be serious.


'So any special abilites.. any talent or whatsoever?' Ashley asked, munching on a piece of mouth-watering honey chicken.

' Oh. I'm okay with anything.. really. Archery, sword fighting, heavy lifting, knive throwing...' I boasted.

'and you?' Ashley turned to Jade.

Jade looked quite unsure of what to say. 'I run fast. Thats about it' Jade said.

Jade POV

It was so embarassing. I was so brave mentally, telling myself I am going to represent my district whatsoever. And when i was to name my talent, i realised i didn't have any. Well, i DO run fast but whats that compared to all the things Ken is capable of?

'So both of you, when youre down to the Training Room tomorrow, try whatever new skills you see. Pick up whatever you can, understood?' Ashley said, mostly hinting to me.

'and make friends' Jan continued, ' if you know what i really mean'

Ah yes, of course, allies.

Thoughts of the tributes came back into my mind...

Definately District 1,2 and 4 will be together.

How about Samantha? The 12 year old district 11 tribute? I guess i'll put her into consideration.

Ken's POV

After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms to turn in. I still couldn't fall asleep, am i nervous to meet the other tributes tomorrow? Or is it because the day where we all will go out to the arena is drawing nearer?

I got out of bed amd decided to take a nice cool shower before trying to sleep again. Maybe it'll help.

Jade 's POV

Tossing and turning in bed, i still couldnt make myself fall into a deep sleep. Why can't i sleep?

Sitting up on bed, i scanned around the room and looked out the window. The city is still alive at this time of the night. I wonder how Dawn is doing. Is she okay?

I lied down on the bed again.

I better try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is am important day.

-- The Next Day --

Jade's POV

After a light breakfast, Ken and I got changed into our matching Training suits and headed down to the Training room.

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