Chapter 21 : Tough times, tough decisions

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A/N; The book is coming to an end real soon! Who do you think will win? Who do you wish would win? Let me know! Who knows, maybe the odds will be in your favor!


Ken's POV

"Do you think it's THAT easy to poison us?" Anne laughed.

I jumped up and looked at Anne.Her eyes were still closed.

I zipped the pocket with the bottle and walked towards Anne. Thomas woke up too.

"What the {potato} Anne... i was sleepin just peacefully here! " he complained.

"What.." i trailed off, moving closer to Thomas.

"Anne, she talks in her sleep sometimes. Ever since her mom..." he told me softly, looking at Anne.

"Whatsup?" I asked and sat beside him. He shook his head.

"After all these days with you guys, this is the first time i've seen her like this" i said, looking at me.

"Anne and I are cousins," he started off. I nodded. I knew they were, because that was like his hundredth time telling me.

"I lost my parents in an accident." He continued, his eyes watering.

"Dude... I'm sorry" I apologized. I felt guilty, i didn't know his life was like that... I patt his shoulder as he went on.

"Anne's mom, she was a flirt. Eventhough she had a rich husband, she still went to clubs with her 'girlfriends'... And they introduced her to a guy." He said, as a tear escaped his eye.

"The guy was way younger... Anne's mom started to cheat on her husband with him as he was way younger. She loved him. Unfortunately, that guy and her 'girlfriends' were just playing with her to cheat her out of her money... Anne found out about her mom's secret affair and told her dad, who is also my step-dad but thats another story." He said.

"He is my step dad because he adopted me after my parents died" he explained.

I listened patiently. This is interesting...

"Her mom still continued her affair and one night, she even brought him home when Anne and her dad were sleeping. That night, Anne woke up because of the loud bangings from their living room. She went down to investigate and saw her mom with the guy. She was heartbroken and stuff. Well, to cut the drama, she went to the kitched to grab a glass of water and then she heard footsteps so she hid in a dark corner where she's unseen. She then saw her mom and the guy coming in and adding some white powder into her waterbottle and her dad's wine bottle. Yeah, and then when they went back out, Anne followed them with her waterbottle and when her fell asleep after the guy went back home, she just simply poured the poisoned water into her mouth. Her mom woke up startled but it was too late. The liquid had already taken effect in her body. She said the exact same thing as she watched her mother gasp for air. Anne, killed her mother." He closed his eyes, stopping any more tears from flowing down.

"Thomas, how many times do i have to tell you to not talk about my mother again?!" Anne yelled.

We both jumped in shock. Anne was awake, her eyes were moist as she pointed at Thomas.

"Anne..." Thomas cried, "I'm sorry, i just..."

"Anne it's oka-" I comforted.

"Shush, you!" She shot back.

"One more time, Thomas. And i promise i won't hesitate to eliminate you from this games" Anne said coldly.

The atmosphere was awkward.

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