Chapter 18 : Turning from Angels into Devils

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A/N : WOoOo adding some spice and tension on this. xD Haha its gonna be a lil cliffhanger at the end of this chapter. HATE ME :P


"We'll strike tonight" said Jade, smirking.

"Haha cool, let's see how this will go" Lucas laughed.

The cave got warmer as the evening drew near. Jade took out the remaining sandwiches from her backpack, they were running out of food. The trio helped themselves to the sandwiches as they discuss their plan for the night.

"What weapons do you have?" Lucas asked Myae.

"I got a bow and some arrows. And.. some knives" she replied.

"Okay, i got my sword and i have some small knives in my bag" he said, and looked at Jade.

"Knives" she said.

"Okay so any skills?" Jade continued.

"Karate. I'm a black belt" Lucas bragged.

"Wew. That's great!" Jade praised.

"I'm just good at camouflaging" Myae said shyly.

"It's okay, that pretty good too" Jade smiled.

"You?" Lucas asked Jade.

Jade thought for a second. What skills does she have? Do she even have one?

"She's pretty fast" Myae said, interrupting Jade's thoughts.

'Oh yeah...' Jade thought to herself.

"I saw her run from Anne and Jean when the game started. That was a close shave!" Myae commented, winking at Jade.

"I guess so..." Jade blushed. Someone did notice her legs afterall.

The evening passed fast and the sky has already darken before they knew it. The cave was dark, they had to make their way out before it was pitch dark.

One by one, they crawled out of the cave. Myae, Jade then Lucas. Just as they got out, the capitol anthem came on.

They spent a moment looking at the faces of the dead.

Jason's face came on first.

"Rest in peace, Jason" Jade whispered.

"You were a great friend. I'm so sorry." Myae said, looking up at Jason's smiling face on the sky.

Lucas looked up at the smiling boy on the sky, this Jason they're talking about looked like cheerful. So he's the one that died! When Jade fell, it was his cannon. Then the faces  the two boys that Jade and Lucas killed that morning.

"Lets go" Jade said.

The three headed out into the woods. Jade holding two knives, one on each hand. Myae, with her bow in her hand and her arrows cross slinged on her back. And Lucas, holding his long sword. It was dark. The night was humid. As Jade led the way from the front, Myae and Lucas followed quietly and kept a lookout for tributes.

They decided to leave the best for last, the career tributes. Deciding to kill the weaker ones first, they made their way under the glowing moonlight to where they might be. Although they could be anywhere and everywhere, they believed that they could at least find someone that night.

Jade arrived back at the bridge where she first seeked shelter under. Silently signalling others to follow her under the bridge, hoping to find someone under there.

Myae followed Jade while Lucas followed slowly from a distance, keeping a lookout for anyone who pass their path. Jade's palms were sweating as she moved nearer. The hole that she dug was still there. But no one was in it, in the hole was nothing except a backpack. A backpack? Someone DID seek shelter here. Where is that person now?

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