Chapter 15: Volcano?

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A/N: Some casts are in the photo attached. Sorry, these are the celebraties i could think of now. More casts will be uploaded as the chapters goes on.


Jade and the girl from district 5 stood rooted to the ground staring at that lifeless body infront of them...


"Th..Thanks.." the girl from district 5 said.

"You're welcome" Jade said.

Jade flashed back at the moment when Tiffiany was aiming at her with an arrow and Jean, was in the bushes aiming at her with her arrow.

"Tiffany" she introduced herself.

"Jade" Jade replied

"I guess i can hang around with you for a while, since i owe u one." Tiffany said.

"We have no time, Jean is usually with the career allies. Since she's here, they wont be so far from here." Tiffany continued.

Jade nodded.

Together, both of them headed aimlessly into the woods trying their best to get away from the body. The further the better.

Not long after they walked, they heard the cried and anger of the career tributes.

"Jean..Who..? Why.." Annie cried.

"That person can't be far from here" Martin said.

Upon hearing that, Jade and Tiffiany looked at each other... their eyes filled with fright and nervousness. Without hesitation, Jade grabbed Tiffiany by her wrist and started running.

 Tiffiany, like a terrified mouse, said nothing but blindly followed Jade.

"Wait, Stop. I dont think they are following us" Tiffiany said, looking behind. Jade stopped in her tracks after hearing what Tiffiany said and catched her breath. Both of them sat down among the bushes for a rest.

"So where did you sleep last night" Jade asked, after finally catching her breath.

" I slept on a tree" Tiffiany replied,"You?"

"I slept under a bridge" Jade answered.

"I wonder where my brother slept... I wonder if he's alright." Tiffiany continued, looking at the ground.

"I'm sure he'll be alright, he's still alive! I'm pretty sure he's managing fine by himself." Jade comforted.

Tiffiany said nothing.

"Shall we move on?" Jade asked, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Move on? Where? No matter where we go it's always the same things, the same trees... the same bushes..." Tiffiany said, smiling weakly.

Tiffiany had a point.

No matter where they went, the elements around here are indeed the same. Jade looked around, only to see the same trees, the same bushes... Apart from the mountain and the river she seeked shelter near the night before, everything was the same.

They both sat quietly, Jade was speachless as reality hit her hard.

As it was nearing noon, Jade searched her backpack for something that would fill their rubbling stomach.  She found some sandwiches packed in her backpack and took out two. "I assume you havent eaten yet, want some?" Jade asked Tiffiany as she handed her one of her sandwiches.

"Thanks" Tiffiany said as she nibbled on the sandwich.

They ate their sanwiches in silence and finished them by a few minutes. Just as they finished their sandwiches, the wind blew stronger. Then Jade felt raindrops falling from the sky, onto her body.

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