Chapter 11 : Costumes and Complicated Feelings

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Hey, haha im just gonna continue not caring how many likes there are.


Jade's POV

Raine opened the big wardrobe which contained my dress for the night.

It was beautiful.

It was silky white gown, and looked like a wedding dress. The bottom of the gown was covered with sparkling white pearls that looked like grains of rice. For the top part, It was decorated with small particles of diamonds. It looked wonderful.

It was strapless.

I've never worn something strapless before... what if it comes off? How embarrassing!

"I know this might be your first time wearing something strapless, dont worry. It won't come off" giggled Raine, as if she read my mind.

Raine helped me slip on the dress, which fits my body perfectly.

Wondering how I looked in this dress, I scanned the room for any mirrors. "You can looked at urself later after everything's done"

Raine then took out a pair of white heels, lined with small little pearls which matching my gown. The heels were not very high, so i don't think i'll have troubles walking in them.

I was led to a chair, where Raine apply make up on me. I was told to close my eyes u til the process is over. I could feel every corner of my face coming in contact with variety of different makeup materials.

Do I look good?


Ken's POV

For a moment or two,  there was a awkward atmosphere as Nicklece examined my body. While i examined the scar on his forearm.

"Okay" he said, breaking the silence.

He walked to a wardrobe and opened it.

There was a suit, those type posh guys wears to events. Definitely not for guys like me.

"Try this on, then we'll move on to your makeup" Nicklece said.

It was a white suit, with a coat. the coat was decorated with grains of rice. Wait. No, they're small little pearls! I can't imagine how much this suit will cost if it was on sale. And the tie was made out of silk, with a unique pattern on it. The buttons were made out of bigger piece of pearls, making the suit sparkle even more.

Oh,  tie.
Something I definitely don't know how to tie.

Nicklece helped me with the tie after I wore the suit.

Nicklece then passed me a pair of leather shoes, with had the same pattern as the tie. Patterns of small rice grains.

"Sit" he told me and pointed at a chair not far away. Make up time. Never thought that there would be a day when I have to put on make up...



I looked at myself in the mirror which i think Raine placed in front of me while I was closing my eye.

I couldn't recognise myself.

Then I realised,

The girl in the mirror is not the girl I know. She's No longer Jade Greenlock who is just a normal girl from District 9.

I looked fierce. This is going to be the new me. The thick eye liner had made my eyes bolder. Made me more confident.

I guess sometimes I just have to look at myself in the mirror to gain confidence in me again.

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