Chapter 14: Let the games begin.

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A/N: Woots! It'd mostly be Jade's POV from now on.

First of all, i've edited chapter 8. Go check it out <

(Dedicated to marriecannons) <- sry cant really offically tag cuz im writing and uploading with my mobile and they dont hve tht option on mobile.. gosh! Anyways, ENJOY!



Jade's POV

I started to tremble as i put on my suit.

Finally, the day has come.

"Time to go" Raine said sadly.

I just nodded. I didn't feel like talking.

I entered the 'escalator tube' thingy that would take me up to the arena.

I wonder what it is?

As the tube raised to ground level, i found myself surrounded my a field of red roses. All the tributes were surrounding a large tree in the middle that has tons of weapons lying on its root. About one mile away are woods. As in cherry trees.. the there were big cherry trees and small ones too.

I could feel the breeze gently brushing against my skin as the tube disappears. The air was filled with petals of cherry flowers. I was finally breathing fresh air. It felt as if i was back home. As if.

I looked around.


Myae and Jason were looking at each other giving silent signals.


I scanned the field to find my the nearest and most useful things i could grab.


Found them, a large violet backpack on my left.


And a bunch of knives neatly packed in a bag on my right.


I looked at Ken, and he was looking at me too.


It looks like he is trying to say something to me.


What is he trying to tell me?


"Good luck" ?


"Good luck to you too" i mouthed back.


I ran.

I rushed to my left to grab the backpack. Already in my ears, i heard the canons going off one by one.

Grabbing tha backpack, i ran for the knives. Just as i was about to reach it, i felt something pulling me back lightly. My backpack was stuck to the thrones of the roses. Leaving my backpack, i headed to the knives.

I grabbed the knifes and headed back for the bag.

I felt something rushing across my hair, it was an arrow.

Jean threw it.

As her second arrow was reaching me, another guy crossed its path, wanting to run away from Anne who was runnimg after him with her knives.

'GO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!'I exclaimed to myself.

Tearing the backpack abit, i pulled it and ran. With my knives in my right hand and my pack on my back, i ran.

The 32nd Hunger Gamesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें