Chapter 8: Arrival

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A/N: Hmm... What will happen now??



Dawn's POV

"They're really killers alright!"

"WHAT? Kimberly, tell me more!" I asked.

"Well... okay. Sit back, relax and listen to me," Kimberly said as she sat down on the ground "It all started like this..."

"They're names are Anne Fluff and Thomas Jackson. They lived next door to me. They're cousins. Thomas' mom passed away so her brother, Anne's father, treats him like a son. My mom and Anne's father are close and soon got married... so Anne and Tom were like siblings to me. We used to play together and hang out. Anne's dad sent them to the special school or something... to train for the Hunger Games. Anne is a very short-tempered girl but she's also understanding sometimes. She's 17 going to be 18. Once, when we were hanging out at in town, there was a stray dog following us. Suddenly, it bit Anne. Anne, out of anger, grab a hunting knife from her pocket and threw it at the poor dog without looking and it hit the dog right in the eye. Tom is 18. It is his last year to get the chance to participate in the Hunger Games. He wanted to volunteer at 18 because when he win, he will become a mentor and he is eager to teach his fellow district-mates on the secrets behind winning this deadly game.

Tom have been training since he was young, as in very very young. His father once won the Hunger Games when he was in his teenage years... which is about 18 years ago, i think? Well, anyway so my mom told me to learn more about killing and stuff. She totally changed when he arrived in District 4, as if she was one of the District 4 people. I could no longer say that I knew my mother. So my step-dad sent me to the same school as Anne and Tom, but different levels of course as I was still 13. I picked up some skills like archery, knife throwing and stuff... Somehow I still feel that this is so not meant for me. I missed you guys, really. And this District.

This is our home.

When my mom died, I was not sad... not even a bit, because i knew i already lost my mom spiritually when she changed into a District 4 citizen and started acting like one. Then I knew that I had the chance to see you guys again. My mom have totally changed, I think it is because of the people that they are living with- they adapted the greedy behavior. But unfortunately, I came too late.. Jade.. she.." Kimberly explained.

I pat her shoulder, it must have been hard for her.

"Anyways, you must be tired from your long journey here! Let's go to my place for a little snack! Talking about place, where are you going live? Your old house was sold when you left, you know?" 

I asked as I helped her up.

Kimberly looked at me and replied "Well, I guess I'll find a place.."

"It's ok! You can live with me, you can take Jade's bed if you want..." I offered. Both Jade and I know that she is not coming back.

"Thanks... So is there a television? I'm don't feel like going all the way to the Town square to watch the show, you know?" Kimberly asked me.

I nodded.

We walked back home, the whole walk was quiet. My mind is going through alot right now. Everything in my mind is a mess.






And most of all, the Hunger Games.

"So... same house?" Kimberly asked, breaking the silence.

"Yea..." I trailed off. And the rest of the walk was silent. I knew that the same thing is going through Kim's mind right now. I'm not sure if she is supporting her so-called-siblings or her childhood friends. Even if her mother were affected by the District 4 people, would she be affected too? I just met Kimberly first time after six long years. She could be affected by the people there too. I am her childhood friend, i knew who her behaviors. Well, KNEW.


Jade's POV

As the doors slid open, the view my eyes received looked so strange.

The people are strange.

Their clothes are strange.

Their attitudes are strange.

The capitol itself was strange.

People are yelling at the same time, there are banners hung everywhere... on the buildings, or i think it is the building, the lampposts, the long thingy that have wheels... I think they're called buses.




Ken just waved at the crowed and I smiled. I don't know what to do right now, if i were to look strict, bold or sweet and gentle. I knew that the cameras are focused on us as we just arrived so My guess is that Dawn is watching me out there. I HAVE TO LOOK STRONG for her. TO let her know i'm ok. Somehow, thinking of Dawn made me more stronger. We are orphans. We are looked down upon. We are known as the weaklings of human beings.

These Capitol people are just watching innocent kids DIE on NATIONAL TELEVISION as ENTERTAINMENT. All they do is sit down, grab something to eat and laugh when one was called. I had the urge to tell them this have to stop. A sentence is repeating over and over in my head right now:

I, Jade Greenlock, am strong. I am brave. My mission is to make people know that we orphans are human too. I am Jade, and I am participating in the 32nd Hunger Games on the behalf of the Orphans of Panem.

We were ushered into a building, which i think it is called the... um... what's that called? Well, whatever. It's where the tributes will be living and training for the upcoming Games. Oops, did i say games, Sorry, i meant Death-Sentence. Jenny said that we will be living on the 9th storey. I hope it is not as weird as it is down here. I don't know what it looks like as the cameras don't really show what is inside those rooms for tributes. We went into something called a 'lift' and it's so small and only have a door and some buttons. Ashely pressed the '9' button which i think that it is our temporary apartment for now.

The life door opened with a ting-ling sound.

The room right in front of me is that i think is the living room. The floor is made out of fine black marble and there is a big carpet in the middle of it, almost covering the whole floor. The carpet is a light-grey in colour and have darker grey spots on them. The sofas are creamy colour and the coffee table have the colour of brownish-grey.

The living room itself is bigger than my whole house in District 9... I wonder how big the bedroom is going to be....

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