Chapter 13 : Stages and Sponsers

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Jade's POV

"And you will be meeting the Sponsors in the morning before u go for ur live talk in the evening" Jan told us.

We had a quiet dinner and soon, headed for our room for discussion.

Raine and Ashley came into mine and Jan and Nicklece went to Ken's.

" So, what skills have you picked up?" Ashley asked me.

" Knife throwing and abit of archery" i answered.

Raine and Ashley exchanged whispers and Raine left the room after saying a brisk farewell.

"So...?" I asked.

"It's going to be amazing, darling" Ashley assured me.

"I hope." I looked out the window.

"Missed home huh?" Ashley asked.

"Kinda" i lied. I missed home alot. I missed the laughter my friends and I shared. I missed Dawn. I missed the forest.

"Do you want to win this game?" Ashely asked.

"The chance of me winning this games is as thinner than a piece of paper" i replied, not noticing tears forming in my eyes. Ashley hugged me and without hesitation, i hugged back too. I started crying. Crying more than i ever did.

"I felt exactly like what you are feeling right now darling," Ashley comforted, "and look at me now. I had no skills whatsoever when i was reaped."

I didn't say anything. I recalled how tough i was saying i was going to represent the district but look at me now. I was so stupid. I was over confident.

"Its getting late, dear. And you have a big day tomorrow" Ashley said as she wiped off my tears.

"Goodnight" i told her. "Goodnight" she replied, before leaving me. As i lied down, i cried myself to sleep. Wondering what tomorrow would bring.


Slipping on the training suit, i calmed myself down and took deep breaths.

"Jade would be going in first. So Jade, the machine will call out your name signalling u to go in. Thats your cue. Ken, you will have to wait for your name to be called before going in too. Which will take a while, depending on how long Jade will take with her showcase" Jan explained as we made ourself towards the waiting room.

"Now stay calm and dont panic." Ashley told us.

"Play it cool" Ashley joked.

After Ashley and Jan left, we waited. We waited for minutes which seem to stretched into hours. I didn't talk to Ken. I was too busy of thinking what to do. Knife throwing... and should i try archery?

I was too lost in my own thoughts i didn't hear my name called until Ken tapped me on the shoulders.

"Good luck" he smiled, looking at me with his dazzling eyes.

It had been a long time since i stared into those beautiful eyes of his.


My heart pounded fast against my ribcage and i sensed beads of sweat making their way down my forehead.

'You can do it' i heard Mother again.

'Mom?' I thought to myself. I didn't get a reply. As i entered, i felt dozen pairs of eyes focusing on my every move.

"Jade Greenlock" i introduced myself.

"When you're ready" a lady gamemaker signaled. I scanned around for knives and found them together on a shelf. Without choosing, i slipped them all one by one in my belt. There was one target.

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