Chapter 5: Slient Night, Perfect For A Time Alone..or is it?

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A/N: Hiya, sorry to keep you folks waiting. I've been very busy these days and all ... well whatever. Here it is! ENJOY!!


Jade's POV

I flickered my eyes open, only to find that same scenery in front of my eyes. My eyes filled terror after what happened in my dreams, then I realised that it was just the television. Stupid. Well, at least that's just a dream-more like a nightmare-and not real. And I don't even mind dying now, at least it would be much more peaceful than getting a knife stabbed in your back or a arrow through your head.

I guess I was asleep for quite some time, it was already 11pm at night. Looks like I missed dinner but Im not hungry so it doesn't bother me much. I have to practice starving to death in the games anyways. I knew I couldn't just fall asleep after what happened in my nightmare just now. I decided to go around the train to, explore a bit. I slipped out of my clothes and stepped into the bath tub and had a quick bubble bath before I put on a pair of black short pants, 4 inches above my knees, exposing more than half of my long legs but I didn't quite mind though, I mean, no one's going to see me anyways...right? And a plain purple T-Shirt.

I tiptoed out of my room, closing the door slowly behind me, careful not to wake anyone.

Everything seems so quiet, strangly quiet. Perfect. I took a look around for signs of any other living creatures, besides me of course. No one. Just perfect. I really need some time to myself to sort out all the events that occured so fast.I strolled across the dining cart and found myself a seat near the extremely large window, oh~ and I mean EXTREMELY LARGE. I took a look outside...

The full-moon shone brightly across the night sky along with the numorous number of stars. I could see a river, more of a lake acturally, at the corner of my eyes. It reflected the creamy white moon on its crystal clear water bodies, causing it to do a little 'moon-dance'. I could hear the howls of the faraway dogs. I guess they do that occasionally...

Then, I saw the owls on trees, looking at me with their wide eyes...looking...staring right into my choloate-brown eyes.

Talk about creepy? Well, whatever.

The tall trees, taller than those back home. Taller than those in my dreams. Suddenly, it started growing extremely tall and fast. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them back, The owl was just infront of me, on the coffee table...staring right inside my eyes with it's cold yellow ones. I closed my eyes and when I opened them back, the owl...the owl's eyes...are gone. Like completely dug out of it's face! I could see blood, blood everywhere around the table, around the surrounding around the table...on my hands. All red, all blood. THIS IS TOTALLY FREAKING ME OUT. I THINK I'M GOING CRAZY AS THE OWL STARTED TO SLOWLY HEAD TOWARDS ME, MAKING THAT EXTRA CREEPY HOOTS WITH IT'S SMALL TINY MOUTH. Suddenly I could feel someone watching me from behind my back. I was having goosebumps. Maybe it wasn't quite a good idea to come out during the night. Expecially when it's close to midnight. I slowly turned my head around, only to come face to face with a girl. Her long black hair fall just below her knees... her skin... her skin just pale white. She was wearing along white evening gown and she was...was floating?! And I don't wanna talk about the face, because she doesn't have one.


I slowly turned my head around, pretending not to see her... but the temperature seemed to drop in the cart, a little bit too much. And I started to do something that I knew I will regret, Run. Then I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and I could feel it's body right behind mine(Note: Jade is standing now). I could feel it's body in touch with mine, I slowly turned my head around and look...


"Hey, um... you okay there? Yow seemed to fall asleep while looking outside and...erm...started to sleepwalk...but more like sleeprun.." Ken muttered looking at me worriedly, "I..urh...just happened to see you. Not like I'm spying or anything, it's just that I was going to take a walk and.. Um...I think I will shut up now."

I looked at him, and looked around...the table...the hands. I looked up at him and said " No, It's okay. You don't need to shut up." For a moment there, I think I saw him blush... " Woah, woah, woah dude...are you..are you BLUSHING?!" I laughed

Ken's POV

She laughed. How cute was that. You know, I could get used to it. Then I realised why she was doing so... I was blushing?!? Oh god damn it, why does she always make me feel that way?

I quickly turned my head around and sat down on one of the chairs, looking outside.

"Ken, okay..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. But don't ignore me" Jade blurted out as she sat on the chair right infront of me.

"No, I'm not ignoring you...It's just that i had something in mind"

"Well, what is it?"

"It's this feeling when I get when I'm near you. It's a funny feeling...I don't know how to describe it."

"Oh...I think its-"

"I think I'm in love with you, Jade." I blurted out. Then covering my mouth after I realised what I've said.

Jade suddenly stood up and made a dash to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her as she entered. I muttered a curse under my breath as I mentally slapped myself for what I've said...wait... in-fact, I really slapped myself- hard. I stood up and sighed,slowing made my way to her door. I hesitated for a while if I should or should not knock on the door.

But after a few moments, I decided not. I headed back to my room and collasped on bed. Covering my eyes with the soft fluffy white pillow as I closed my eyes and rested for a while. Having a mixture of feelings inside me: Worried and stupid.

SUddenlY, the door flung open...


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