Chapter 4: First Nightmare

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Ken's POV

I nervously knocked on her door and timidly waited outside for her to open the door. Why am I acting like a coward? I slapped my self in the face as she opened the door, great, now she thinks I'm some sort of abnormal guy. "Yes?" She muttered, head hung low and her hand covering her mouth area. "Um..why are you covering your mouth" I asked.

"Well, you were staring and smiling at me so I thought that there is something on my mouth! Anyways, may I help you?" She asked. "I...urgh... want to apologize for staring at you" I blurted out. WAY TO GO KEN, THATS SO STUPID...

She just nodded and went back in her room, closing the door behind her. And I went back into mine.

Jade's POV

I closed the door behind me and took a good look at my room. There is a big glass window showing the trees as we pass, and there is also a small snacks bar. The room smelled like... like roses...sweet roses. Then my bed, oh my bed, it have a sky-blue coloured blanket and the bed frame is made out of roses, blue in colour. There is a small closet beside it, it's dark blue in colour. Just beside the window, there are a set of chairs and a coffee table, facing the window. There is also a soft, fluffy sofa just near the main door and a flat-screen television. And then, a door which lead to the bathroom. The bathroom have a blue marble floor and the bath tub is dark blue and the toliet, What's up with blue?!

I went to the bathroom and looked in the full-length mirror. There is a girl with deep brown eyes, pure black hair tied into a loose bun. Her lips that were always smiling are now upside down. Her clothes, she's wearing just a plain V-shaped orange dress that ended just below her knees. It can't be, thats...thats me...

I'm not the cheerful self...I look all gloomy and sad. Well, guess I'll have to get use to that from now on.

I made my way to the sofa and sat on it with the remote in my hands, browsing though the channels. Suddenly, a channel caught my attention. It looks like somewhere in a woods, but not that surounding District 9. It's some where...more...natural. It reminded me of home, where Dawn and I would sit in our hut near the rice plantations, looking at the farmers doing their work and trees in a distance. I was absorbed in the wonderful woods that I did not realise that it had started raining... My eye lids getting heavier...and heavier as the raindrops tapped against the glass windows like drums making music... and my eyes slowly shut as the magical sounds drifted further and further away from me...


I found myself in the woods just like the one on TV. The trees are high above my head, higher than those back in District 9. The slow-flowing rivers are filled with more fishes. The greeness everywhere...everywhere... The fluffy white rabbits, hopping here and there. The lovebirds flying above my heads as the humming birds sing their song of spring and the butterflies and bees pollinating all the flowers. There was also deers, roaming around in search of food I guess... The calming sound of the river waters filled my ears as I smiled and took a deep breath. Just then, an arrow, shot me straight in the heart. I collasped on the soft green grass, and the smile was washed off my face and turned into a frown. I took a last look at what nature have to offer me before my eyes close for eternity.

{Dreams End}

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