Chapter One//Okay

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Ellie's POV

Looking at the rain drops racing down the car window seeing how beautiful the rain is. Dark but still beautiful. Is it odd that I love the rain? The rain explains how I feel maybe that's the reason why I love it so much.

My parents what was the last thing I said to them? I still can't remember what I said to them and I've been asking myself the same question everyday for a year. It makes me so mad, I want to remember I want to know or maybe I don't. I know it's my fault that my parents are where they are cause of me they aren't alive. They didn't deserve this! I wish they were here with me, and if they were here with me maybe I wouldn't be such a screw up, but thats my fault. This past year has been complete shit, my head had been wondering with so many questions and thoughts. Its really overwhelming having so many things go through my mind at once.

My mind is a dark place to be once I'm in there I can't manage to get out!

My sight soon went from the window to my wrist seeing the fresh cuts from a couple days ago, reminding me of my weaknesses. I soon was interrupted from my thoughts by a lady's voice.

I quickly pulled down my sleeve to cover my scars. "Okay Ellie we are here." I just stared at her with my droopy eyes and sighed heavily. I opened the car door and stepped out following Ms. Clair to the trunk of the car to get my bags. I have known Ms.Clair for a year now. She is the person that has moved me from one foster home to another.

In this whole year I have been to three foster homes this being my fourth. I'm honestly tired of being passed around to strangers like I'm some kind of rag doll!

When we got my bags out of the trunk Ms. Clair walks quickly to the front door trying to stay as dry as possible. I take a bit more time trying to get to the front door, just to feel the water specks on my cheeks. Ms. Clair knocked on the door and a couple of seconds later a lady with blond hair opened the door.

"Come in" she said. I stepped in and so did Ms.Clair she then closed the door behind us. "We have been expecting you two all day" she smiled "My name is Anne" Ms.Clair than introduced me. I just looked at her with no emotion. I really didn't want to be in another home with more fucked up people. Soon after Ms.Clair introduced me, I heard the sound of foot steps coming down stairs. I looked up and this guy about my age started walking down towards where we were standing. He has this amazing curly hair and was tall. As he got closer I saw his eyes and they are this pretty honey light brown color. He mad eye contact with me and I looked down.

"Hi I'm Ashton" he said while pulling his hand out of his hoodie pocket to shake my hand. I just looked at it for a few seconds and he soon realized I wasn't going to shake it so he slowly put it back in his pocket.

"Okay Anne I will be heading out now because I still have a few things to do before I go home" Ms.Clair said. "Bye Ellie" she waved "It was nice meeting you two" She said looking at Ashton and Anne. "Nice meeting you too" they both said. "Ellie I will be calling you tomorrow to see how it's going okay" she said then walked out the door.

"Are you hungry?" Anne said. I nodded to tell her no. " Do you want to see your new room?" I shrugged. She then called Ashton " Ashton go show Ellie her room please" so he did what he was told he started walking towards the stairs picking my bags on his way up. I followed, there were three rooms and a bathroom. Ashton opened the door at the end of the hallway and went in and sat my bags down. I walked in behind him to see the room it had a medium sized bed in the middle of the bedroom to the right there was a desk with a window seat by it and to the left there was a closet and a bathroom. Ashton looked down at me to see what I thought about the room. I slightly looked up and he smirked. I quickly looked back down. To be honest I really didn't want to talk to anyone, all I wanted was to be left alone!

"So are you ready for school on Monday?" he says. Really this question, this is the best question he could think of. I'm not ready for school I hate school. I hate the thought of going back to school I hate the thought of me having to talk to new people.

I respond with a nod he looks at me with a confused face."I'll help you around the school don't worry and the school isn't so difficult to get around but anyways if you need help with anything just ask me okay" "okay" I tell him with a small smile.

"SHE TALKS" he said smiling as wide as he could. I giggled a little. How did he do that I hadn't smiled or giggled in so long.

"Ashton come down to eat dinner" he looked towards the door that was opened. "Alright I be right there" "Ellie are you sure you don't want to come and eat dinner with us?" I shook my head, "alright" he said and walked out the door.

I started to look around at the room, the bed had white sheets with a lot of pillows. There was a tall mirror on the closet door. I walked toward the closet door and opened it I decided I was going to put the few things I had in the closet.

I started hanging my few band t-shirts I had and my 5 pairs of black skinny jeans. I put a box with my meaningful things on the top shelf. I hadn't opened that box for almost a year so to be honest I really didn't remember what was in it.

I looked at the digital clock that was on top of the desk and it was 8:58 p.m. I decided to walk towards the bathroom sink to brush my teeth. Once I was done I walked towards my bed were I had left some sweatpants so I could change into something more comfortable. Once I was done changing I turned of the lights and got into bed facing the clock. It was now 9:10 I looked at it for a few and after a bit I dozed of asleep.


Here's my first chapter for my first book wow I'm really excited for this book and the plans I have for the characters. Ellie is very mysterious and a bit screw up. But throughout the book you guys will figure out why Ellie is so screwed up and why her personality is like that. Anyways thank you guys so much for reading the first chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. I want your guys thoughts and predictions throughout the book. My next update will be sometime this week before finals. Thanks again I love you all bye.

Broken HalfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora