Chapter Eleven// Million Dollar Question

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I pull myself away from the kiss.

"You can't be doing this—"

"Why not, I like you Ellie."

"Are you serious right now, you kiss every girl that comes across you. You take nothing seriously and you are telling me that you like me."

He can't be serious right now. He kissed Jess at school & now he has the dignity to tell me he likes me. What the hell is wrong with him.

"This isn't a game and I don't kiss every girl that comes across m—" I cut him off before he can finish talking.

"Really what about Jess at school?"

"That was nothing, she kissed me and it meant nothing E."

"Right..." I said almost laughing.

I just walk around Luke and start walking back into the theater.

I go back to my seat, all I can think about is the kiss. Yes, I think I was starting to like Luke but I can't open up to anyone so whatever he thought was going to happen, wasn't going to work. He doesn't even know me...

When we were done watching the movie we headed to the arcade. Michael decided that he wanted to play air hockey so he told me to join. The first time I won by 7 to 4. Calum decided he wanted to join so we played against each other I won the 2nd time as well.

"Your good." The boys tell me with a grin on there faces.

Hanging out with them was nice I felt free from my thoughts for a few hours.

"So Ellie how did you end up in Ashton's house?" Causing attention in between the group. Natalie and the rest of the boys look at us.

I try to doge the question but it doesn't work. She opens her mouth again.

"Hey freak did you hear me... How did you end up in Ashton's house?"

This time I felt pathetic cause I didn't know how to respond to a simple question.

"Hey Jess. I don't think its any of your business in the first play and Stop being a bitch." Natalie told Jess.

"Damn Jess why do you ask so many  questions that have nothing to do with you." Luke says.

I was taken a back by there response to what Jess had asked me.

Jess just rolled her eyes and decided to walk away.

I think they had a right to know what happened to my parents what happened to me. The reason why I am like this but I can't now, I'm not ready I'm not sure when I will be, but I know that Jess won't be there when I tell them.


Today was alright, didn't really expect much out of today I just wanted to get out so I could stop drowning in my thoughts and I did for a while.

Luke kissed me ... I really didn't know how to react to the gesture, so I kind went off on him. I think he is just confused or maybe I'm confused. He probably thinks I can be a girl that he can use and relay on for a while, and later throw away. Yea, I won't let that happen. I can't let that happen.

Jess also asked me the million dollar question. How did you end up here? I want to tell someone what happened. What I did, but I just can't!


Haven't uploaded in so long. I know this chapter is kind of short but I think I like them better short so will start posting a lot more but the chapters will be a little more shorter.
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