Chapter Seven//Ask me

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"So what are we going to do today?" I say curiously wanting to know what Luke had in mind.

"You'll see." He says while glancing at me then looking at the road again. Luke then reaches to the nob on his radio and puts the volume up. After a couple of seconds I sing the familiar lyrics in my head.

"Do you like All Time Low?" Luke asks

"Yea, there actually one of my favorite band." He seems a bit surprised of my response.

"I honestly didn't think you would  like them."

Of course he's always assuming things. After a while he drove into a little road. I looked out the window, it seemed to be a park. I saw a lake from far away, how it reflected the sun and the trees on the water. It looked so beautiful. From the corner of my eye I saw Luke staring at me with a smile.

His smile is so cute.

"This is one of my favorite places to come to, do you like it?"

"It's beautiful here."


Luke's POV

"I have a good idea!"

"What?" Ellie says quietly.

I still can't believe she actually went along with whatever I had planned. Ellie doesn't know nothing about me and I know nothing about her, but I really want to change that.

"Lets play 21 questions."

"I don't think thats a good idea Luke."

"I think its a great idea! Come on you can start"

"Fine, uh– when is your birthday?"

"July 16th, what about you?"

"April 19th, your turn right?"

"Yea, this is a serious question okay." I tell her trying to keep a straight face. She looked at me a bit scared.

"What is your favorite Ice Cream?" The fear fades away and is taken over by a smile.

"Oh, mint chocolate chip. When I was small my parents would always take me to this ice cream shop near our home and My dad and I would always get mint chocolate chip and my mom would get strawberry I spent a lot of my childhood in this shop."

I look at her amused this is the first actually story she has told me.

"Sorry-I um—" I cut her off before she could say anything else.

"Sorry for what? You said nothing wrong. I would love to hear more of your childhood stories."

"Hmm maybe someday, anyways what's yours?"

" Well I think its cookie doe or cookies and cream. I never can choose one, ayy its a hard decision okay. I start laughing. She looks at me with a big smile and she bursts out laughing as well.

Her laugh is amazing. This is my first time I've actually seen her laugh, not giggle but an actual laugh. For a few seconds I just stare at her, when she notices I was starring at her she stops laughing. I can see her cheeks start to turn pink she puts her hands on her cheeks and I can't help but smile once again.

"Luke can I ask you something?"


"Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"This, wanting to get to know me."

"I don't know Ellie there is something about you, maybe be friends."

"Luke you don't know anything about me, we can't be friends trust me."

"Why do you keep saying this... I know I don't know much about you yet but I want to."

"Ellie can I ask you something?"

"Go for it." She says quietly.

"What happened to you?"


"How did you end up in Ashton's house?"

"I don't  want to talk about it Luke, I'm sorry."

I'm stupid I shouldn't have asked that.

"Your turn." I say to let her know its her turn to ask a question.

We spent most of our time talking about random stuff, it was funny because it wasn't awkward or anything we just talked like if we had known each other for a long time. It was nice.

"I think I need to go home now, I kind of have a curfew."

"Alright come on."


February 5th

Today I progressed a bit. I think I'm slowly letting someone in. It is difficult for me cause I'm scared of hurting them or getting hurt. But this guy is different he's so persistent, all of Ashton's friends are. There pretty great people. I'm scared if I tell the boys what has happened, the things I have done I will scare them and they will just leave. But what if they don't. I'm hanging out with Luke again tomorrow I'm kind of excited, I don't get excited much so I am thankful for whatever Luke is doing, what Ashton's friends are doing.


This was such a short chapter and I took forever to upload it, sorry loves I hope you guys are enjoying my book so far. Will upload the next chapter soon.

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