Chapter Seventeen // If you don't know

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A.N: pretend its an acoustic guitar lol. Ok enjoy!(;

After my whole melt down about a month ago, I had been spending more time with the boys. I had been to their practices. They're great and I know they will get far.

Luke decided he wanted to hang out just the two of us in his house. Though I wasn't so sure I decided to go anyways. I told Ashton where I was heading and he seemed really hesitant. I mean I kind of understand I guess.

"Ellie I am not sure that is a good idea, yes Luke is my best friend but he doesn't really take anything seriously."

"Ash calm down I am just friends with Luke I don't think anything needs to be serious."

He grunts "I guess."

Luke unlocks the door and we enter his  house which was surprisingly close.

No one seemed to be home. We went up to his room. His walls were a dark shade of blue which were hardly visible because of the different posters and pictures it had. In the corner near the window their were two electric guitars an amp and two acoustic guitars. One seemed older, the top of it was starting to chip. He had a desk, line papers were scattered all over it and some balls of paper on the floor. By his desk he had a record player on the floor and some plastic boxes that contained records in them. I look closer at the posters and I smile because I listen to almost all of them.

"I like your room." I say still focusing on the posters

"Thanks" he said while sitting on his bed.

"So have your written any new songs?" I sit by him.

"I have a few Ideas that I have started to write but nothing yet but... " he stops taking.

"But what?" I say trying to get him to keep talking.


"Oh come on Luke, I thought we were friends."

"We are. I have a few songs that I have finished. I really haven't shown the finished songs to the boys yet, but they know that I am working on them, their just a little personal I guess." He says while picking at his ripped jeans.

"How so?"

He sighed. "So a while back maybe 2 years ago I had this girlfriend and we were really close and I loved her, and one day out of no where she just left and didn't even say goodbye. I don't understand why she left, she just did. She didn't even have the audacity to text or call me. You know it actually fucking hurt because she was the first person I ever loved. I just thought that she loved me the way I loved her but apparently not, cause if she would have she at least could have said goodbye."

I try to process everything he just said and think about how much this boy was hurting, still is hurting.

I glance at him, he was still picking at his jeans but was shaking the other leg in an up and down motion.

"I'm sorry. Her loss cause she is missing out on an amazing guy." I say while putting my hand over his leg. Stopping his leg from moving.

"Thanks E means a lot coming from you. "

"So lets here a song."

He hesitates but finally gives in and pulls out an old journal from under his mattress. He opens it and turns the pages and stops. Getting up he gets the chipped old guitar laying on the floor. He sit in the middle of the floor and lays his notebook by him. And starts his strumming pattern.

"Tonight we're fading fast. I just want to make this last. If I could say the things that I want to say. I'll find a way to make you stay. I'd never let you get away. Get you in all the games we play so go ahead rip my heart. Show me what loves all about oh go ahead rip my heart out if thats what loves all about. Oh oh oh I want you to want me this way and I need you to need me to stay if you say that you don't feel a thing if you don't know let me go let me go let me go let me go. If you don't know then just let me go..."

He finished the song and I was speechless. You can see how much this song means to him and how much work he put into it. He put his feelings into a song and thats what makes the song beautiful.

"You should defiantly show the boys your new songs."

This was a short chapter but I will try to update soon! Thanks for reading and commenting. It inspires me to keep working on this book!

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