Chapter Four//Fall

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"We need to stop meeting like this." He says with a cute smile. "We really do need to stop meeting like this, I'm sorry again." We both start to get up from the cold pavement. "It's fine don't worry about it, where were you going anyways? The lunch room is upstairs." "Yea, I know I just don't really like 'the whole getting to know people' sort of thing." "Ahh so your that type of girl..." What? "That type of girl?" I look at him with a confused expression on my face. "You know the girl that's all dark and mysterious, the girl that feels misunderstood. Don't—" I cut him off quickly before he finished whatever he was going to say. I feel my veins boiling from the anger I felt towards Luke right now. Who the hell does this guy think he is, he knows nothing about me!

"What do you know? We met this morning and you think you already have me all figured out?" Your wrong you know nothing..." I say quieter. I turn around and start walking down the hall. I then hear Luke's black boots hitting the ground while following me "Ellie" I walked a little faster and so did Luke. "Ellie please stop!" Why can't he seem to get that I don't want to talk to him. I stop and quickly turn "WHAT?"

"I'm sorry if I said something—" I cut him off once again "it's whatever..." I say looking down to the floor "Look, I want to I don't know...maybe get to know each other, I want us to be friends." "Why?" I say confused. "Why not" he says with a smile. "I can't – I'm sorry." 

I really can't. What am I supposed to tell Luke? That I can't be his friend because it's not good timing in my life. My life is so screwed up, I'm so screwed up. He is better off staying far away from me!

"Well I didn't expect that as a response. Can you at least tell me why?" Luke asked "We just can't..."

"Hey Luke isn't that Michael over there?" I lie maybe I can get a few seconds to walk into the bathroom and loose him. Once I'm in the bathroom I take a few deep breath I haven't talked with someone for this long. I always make small talk or no talk. I hope Luke stops. I hope he stops trying to do whatever he is doing. I still don't understand why he wants us to be 'friends'. I don't get it.

I check the time on my iPod and there is still 15 minutes until lunch ends. I decide to just sit in here until the bell rings for 5th period.

Once the bell rings I look left to right to see if Luke was anywhere to be seen. But the halls swarms with students quickly. I sigh in relief and start walking to Chemistry.

A few seconds later I feel a tap on my shoulder. Please don't be Luke, please don't be Luke. I turn my head to look to my left and it was Ashton I let out a loud sigh. "Are you okay?" Ashton asks. "Yea, I'm fine" I say with a side smile.

"So how's your day been so far, and where were you at lunch? I was looking for you." Ashton says. "Hmm well let's see I bumped into a couple and dropping all my stuff. The guy helped me pick up my stuff it was awkward, the girl left pissed, so I'm guessing she doesn't like me. Oh yea and I crashed into the same guy again but this time we both fell it was so embarrassing... Oh and at lunch I was just looking around the school that's when I bumped into that guy." I glance at Ashton he looks amused by my clumsiness and embarrassment.

"Your days sounds more interesting than mine, and you could have told me that you were going to walk around the school so I could have joined."

"Interesting? It was embarrassing. The guy told me he wanted to be friends but I don't understand why you know I feel like right now I really can't have friends."

"Look Ellie I know I don't know anything about what happened in your past but I want you to open up to someone I don't know make a friend. It could be me if you want but I just don't want you to be alone."

I stare at him confused "yea, I don't know."


Before I know it I'm heading to my last period of the day my Creative Writing class . I love writing so I'm sure I will enjoy this class.

The bell rings and the class is almost full. The teacher starts talking and I hear the door open.

"Hemmings your late again." The teacher half yells. I look up and see Luke. My stomach flips at the sight ofhim. He glares at me and at the desk next to me. I didn't think I was going to have a class with Luke so I didn't worry about it. He keeps his eyes connected with mine.

I rest my elbow on the desk and my palm on my forehead and break contact with him. He sits on the seat beside me and I feel this pain in the pit of my stomach. "So where did you end up going?" Luke says while sitting down, I shrug. "Luke you need to stop doing what you're doing okay I really don't want us being friends and plus you have a girlfriend and I'm sure she would get mad if she knew you were trying to 'get to know me or whatever your trying to do'."

Luke all of a sudden puts this stupid grin on his face making me want to smile but I manage not to. "What?" I ask.

"Are you jealous?" I laugh a little and look at him straight in his eyes. " I met you this morning and I know nothing about you so why would I be jealous?"

"I don't know you tell me... and by the way she isn't my girlfriend she's more like a friend sort of I guess." I roll my eyes I am repulsed by Luke what type of guy is he, and what type of girl is Jess. Having no respect for themselves.

Luke is just like every other guy a annoying hormonal teenager, and for a second I actually thought he was different.

I stayed quiet and start paying attention to the teacher he starts talking about an assignment on writing a letter/poem to someone that means a lot to us. Oh... I feel a sting in my chest.

"Mr.Smith are you not going to welcome our new student to the class?" Luke says with a smirk on his face. I wish I could smack that stupid smirk off his face. Why does he intentionally try to annoy me? "Yea of course I was going to welcome her to the class, everyone this is our new student Ellie Taylor."

I look up embarrassed. I mean I have been getting weird glares in the hallways. My other teachers have welcomed me to the whole class but what Luke just did made me embarrassed. He had no reason to Call me out like that.

The bell rings and I head out the door into the hall ways. I feel a presence by me and then relies Luke is walking beside me. "What are you doing this weekend?" He asks while sliding his fingers in his dirty blonde hair.

"What?" I say.

"What are you doing this weekend?"

"Staying home probably."

"No your not. I told you I want to get to know you so were doing something, okay?"

"I told you I—"

He cuts me off " I'm not taking no for an answer." He stared at me with his ocean blue eyes. I look deep into his beautiful eyes for a few seconds.


"Okay it's settled then" before I respond he smiles and turns around to walk away.

I'm sure there are going back to be many mistakes in this book, sorry for that.

Quick question for you guys should I update weekly? Maybe upload every Friday☺️

Thank you guys who are reading love you all♡

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