Chapter Nine//Thinking Spot

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Ellie's POV

The past few days haven't really been the best. I've just been out of it, I feel out of place but what can you expect from me. I know the boys have really tried to make me feel like I'm in there little group but honestly I just think they feel bad for me. I don't need their pity, right now I sound really mean and ungrateful but don't get me wrong I am thankful that I met them and they're becoming part of my life but I'm scared! I'm getting too attached and am starting to get comfortable around them and for me that is nothing good because I know eventually they will leave, everyone leaves.

I have been in this place for almost two weeks and It still doesn't seem right being here. I wish my parents were here so I wouldn't be going through this, but then again it's all my fault there not here I was being selfish and I should've appreciated what they did for our family but now none of that mattered. Nothing matters.

It's Thursday once again this is my fourth time going with this therapist I have only shown her my journal twice but that's about it. I don't think I will show her it anymore, I mean she said its my journal so that meaning I can do whatever I'd like with it right?

I hear a knock on the door and then see Ashton's head pop behind the door and then walked in.

"Hey Ellie, how are you feeling?"

"Fine" i said with a big smile.

I didn't want him to know how I feel and tell the other boys what's going on with me.

"Ellie I have seen you for the past few days and you seem down, sad, please talk to me or Luke or one of us. We really do want to help with whatever you're going through, you can't go through it alone. I know we don't know anything but we want to help. Luke was talking to me yesterday asking me if I knew what was wrong with you and I dodged the question cause you don't talk to me E."

"Ashton I don't want to talk about it I said I'm fine!" I said a little to harsh.

"Ellie!" he said.

"I'm fine, just get out please" I can feel my chest beating faster.

"Fine! But Luke is looking for you he is downstairs."

"Tell him to go away."

Ashton sighed and left my room

Ashton's POV

I wish I could do something to help Ellie I have to come up with something to help her get out of her thoughts for a while. I'll come up with something later, maybe I'll tell my mom to help me with something. Honestly I don't think Luke should help her, yes he is my best friend and I love him but he does stupid shit sometimes and he is always with a bunch of girls.

I start to walk downstairs and Luke is leaning beside the entrance door.
"Luke I don't think it's a good idea for you to talk to her. I told her you were here and she doesn't want to see anyone. She even kicked me out."

"Ashton you need to do something. I know we don't know what she has been through and how she ended up here but we need to do something!"

"Luke I honestly think you should stay away, I don't know what's up with you and Ellie but I don't think it's a good idea for you—"

"For me to what Ashton? I really like Ellie okay... She's different this time it's different anyways I need to talk to her so..."

"Go for it..."I said hoping Ellie doesn't get mad at me.

Luke's POV

I start walking up stairs. I knock on the door and listen and I hear nothing I knock again and this time I open the door. I look around in her room and I don't see her anywhere. Where is she?

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