Chapter Eight//Some Day

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Ellie's POV

One day I will see you again
One day we will all be together
One day I will apologize
One day I will hug you
One day I will kiss you
One day mom & dad
One day I promise
One day, some day

I don't know how I feel about it. I'm going to have to present this in front of my writing class. I decided to write a few letter/poem ideas while I'm waiting for Luke to come and pick me up, since I hadn't started on anything. I'm not that good at writing poems but whatever I tried, that should count for something.

I decided to go downstairs and wait for Luke there.

"Anne if you don't mind I am going out with Luke today."

"Okay sweetheart be back by 8, and be careful."

What did Anne mean by be careful? I'm going to be with Luke the whole time I will be fine. I start walking towards the door when Anne calls me.

"Ellie wait I almost forgot" she starts to shuffle through the things in her bag that was sitting on the counter.

"Here" She pulls out a black Phone from her bag and hands it to me.

"It used to be Ashton's old phone but we bought him a new one a while back. Its yours now and I put Ashton and my number in your contacts. If you need anything just call us okay?" She says with a little smile.

"I can't take this Anne, I'm sorry..." I can't be talking there stuff, there already doing a lot for me, by taking me into there home and being kind to me. That's enough for me.

"Ellie please take it, just incase of an emergency and you need to contact us.

I look at her and the phone for a couple of seconds and sigh. I slowly grab the phone from her hands.

"Thank you" I say while shaking the phone in my hand.

I head out the door and sit on the porch. A few minutes later I hear a car drive into the drive way I quickly take my sight from the phone that I hadn't unlocked yet and looked up at Luke inside the car. Even though he saw me get up he got out of his car

"Hey E"

Again with this nickname, I didn't really mind it but only my parents and my really close friends used to call me that and it felt a little weird.

"Luke" I said with a greeting smile.

We walk back to his car, he opens the door for me, it felt a little awkward but whatever.

Luke starts his car and his music starts playing. No All Time Low today but he was playing Green Day.

"Have to admit Luke you have a pretty good taste in music." He laughs a little.

"I have to say E you have a pretty damn good taste in music as well." We both start laughing.

Then Luke starts to sing the lyrics. Holy shit his voice!

"You can sing..." I tell Luke then Luke glances at me.

"Yea kind of"

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