Chapter Twenty Two// Stars

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Luke's POV

"Luke. Luke!" I am broken away from my thoughts. I had been frozen looking at nothingness for a few minutes now. Replaying over and over what just had happened.

"What?" I say looking up at Ashton.

"Where did Ellie go? You let her leave?" He says frustrated, looking around the room.

"I'll go get her" I tell Ashton getting up from the ground then heading down the stairs. "I am coming with you." He says following me. I turn around and stop. "No you're not. You have to stay here, what if she comes back." I tell him. "Luke you can stay, you are the one that let her leave in the first place. I am going to go look for my sis-." He doesn't finish what he was going to say but is determined to leave. "Ashton." I say looking at him. He finally says fine and I walk out the door.

The sun has gone down and it was dark outside. I start to walk down the side walk. I mean she has to be around here somewhere... I pull out my phone from my front pocket and text her.


*text messages*

Luke:Where are you? 

please answer 


Ellie: are you alone?

Luke: yea.

where are you?

Ellie: I will tell you but you can't tell anyone about this place. I told someone I wouldn't share this spot with anyone.

Luke: my lips are sealed!!

Ellie:I am at this old park that is not to far from the house.

*sends current location*

Luke: k be there in a bit


I finally figure out where the park is at and I see her laying in the grass looking up at the stars. She looked more calm then a few minutes ago.

I quietly walk towards her and lay next to her. I reach for her hand and Intertwine my fingers with hers. We look up at the sky for a while. I hadn't done this in a while. Just being out here and laying here felt like I could breath.

Ellie squeezes my hands. I take a deep breath about to talk when she starts to talk.

"I'm sorry." She says while looking over at me. I am still looking up at the sky and take another deep breath and look over at her. She looked so perfect their looking at me while her eyes shinned by the reflection of the moon. "For?" I ask her.

"For running away whenever I get the chance and not try to fix the things I mess up." She says quietly.

"Ellie can I ask you something and promise to answer me with the truth." I say sitting up.

She lets go of my hand and sits up and turns her body so she is facing me. She is biting the inside of her cheek then she nods.

"Why do you do it?"

She looks down at her crossed legs. I know deep down she doesn't want to tell me but all I can do is try.

" I-I do it whenever I feel like I not in control of what's going on around me. Like all of my life is getting out of my control. I feel like I can do nothing to stop what is going on and some of this is good and I don't know why I hold back, but I do and I feel like its all too much."

"Is it me?" Its probably me I have been pushing her. Maybe its too soon for her. Maybe she realized that she doesn't like me. Maybe I am the problem. I would like to think It isn't me because I really like her, she makes me happy and I haven't felt like this is so long, but If I am the problem I will let her be. I don't want to be what makes her unhappy.

"Maybe I don't know... I like what we have but...but.."

"But what E." I say biting down on my lip.

"I'm scared." she says putting her hands over her cheeks.

"Don't be, Let me be the one to take your fears away." I bring her into a hug and hug her tightly.

"Its not that easy." she says hugging me back.

"But it can be that easy." I tell her.

We both lay down in the position we where in a few minutes ago.

"Luke Hemmings, I really really like you." she says poking my cheek.

I smile and look at her.

"Promise me you won't do it again." I say while putting her hand into mines.

"I promise to try." She says.


Kind of short but  hope you enjoyed!

Hope you lovelies are doing well.

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I struggles so much to get this chapter up. It wouldn't let me upload it, I am so surprised I didn't give up. 

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