Chapter Fourteen//Nothing to get

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This weekend went by really fast. Probably because I was a little worried about tomorrow, actually getting in front of the class and reading my thoughts off a smudged paper terrified me.

It sounds weird since I should be used to the whole 'getting in front of people.'But it has been a while since I had done it.

I was thinking about how I was going present in front of the class without actually loosing it. I was thinking about all this in my art class while I sketched different face features.

We were all assigned an art project to draw a person and add a twist to it. It could be anyone we just had to be creative with it. I had a few ideas in mind, I didn't worry about it much since it was due in about a month.

I kept messing around with sketches and ideas in my sketch book. Before I knew it I ended with half a face sketch of Luke. I didn't even realize what I had done until I was finished.

I had been sketching in my writing class. Which was a terrible idea since I had Luke in the same class and he could see what I was drawing if I wasn't careful.

I had no clue why I was drawing the boy with blue eyes that was sitting two seats away from me. Surprisingly he wasn't sitting by me, since every day I have been in this school he ends up sitting by me. That being beside me, in front or behind he was there. I looked at him for a couple of minutes taking in every single one of his features, he then glanced at me and noticed I had been starring at him.

He had a cocky smile on his face. It made me smile a little thinking about how I was starting to like this boy, and I was bearly releasing it.

In the back of my head someone is telling me to stay away, to not get too attached. Since he seems to be a big flirt. I am not saying I love this boy cause right now I'm not capable of doing that but I know I am starting to feel something for him. I hated it cause I am so used to people betraying me or leaving me, how do I know this time it will be any different?

The bell rang and it was finally the end of the school day. I felt relieved since I haven't slept well in a while.

I was about to walk out of the class room when I felt Luke slip his hand in mine. I looked down at our intertwined fingers, surprised.

"Luke what are you doing?"

"Holding your hand, obviously." He said giggling.

"Well I mean obviously...uh" I stayed quiet after that I didn't know what to tell him. Him holding my hand wasn't as weird as I would have it expected it to be.

I looked down at our hands again and smiled a little.

That until I looked up to see Jess walking towards us.

"Hey Luke" she said with a grin on her face. She them attempts to hug him. But ended up being more of an awkward hug than anything else. Since Luke was still holding onto my hand. He tapped her back with his free hand. While glancing down at me. She then turns his face a little so they are making eye contact and she kisses him. I look at him. I felt confused.

I slip my hand out of his grip, turn around and walk away.

At that moment I wanted to walk home alone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call Ashton.Telling him I was going to be walking home today.


"E wait up!" I hear from behind me, I then know the familiar voice behind me, I know its Luke so I decided to ignore him and keep walking.

"Ellie." He says getting closer, I don't know why I got this feeling in my stomach that I wanted to shake off.

He then gently grabs my arm and turns me around.

"What do you want Luke?" I ask him loosing my patience . I don't know what Luke wants but I sure as hell don't want to stick around to find out.

"Your upset aren't you." He says while digging his fingers into his dirty blonde hair.

"And why would I be upset Luke?" I tell him calmly.

"Because... Of what just happened with Jess." He says breaking eye contact with me, and looks down at his shoes.

"No, Luke I am not upset. For all I care you can go out with Jess." I say laughing a little. I shouldn't laugh cause I don't find this funny at all. "Its none of my business." I say pulling my arm away from his grip.

For a second he looks confused maybe a bit frustrated, but thats all on him. I just told him what I thought.

" I gotta go." I tell him while gesturing towards the way I was heading.

"Where's Ashton?" He asks.

"Probably getting home by now. I told him I wanted to walk and be alone for a while." I tell Luke.

I turned around and started walking.

"E wait up, I'll walk with you." He said while pulling on his blonde hair.

"Luke if I let you walk with me then that would defeat the whole purpose of me walking alone." I roll my eyes.

"Well its a good thing that I wasn't asking then." He says with a cocky smile.


We starts walking, at first it's quiet but then he speaks.

"I don't get you E."

"There is nothing to get Luke."


This is more of a filler chapter I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN AGES! 😩 I am terrible at updating I know.

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